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Miku's P.O.V.

I woke up to the smell of food and I sat up.
As I rubbed my eyes I got up and walked to the door and slid it open.
"Ohayou~" I mumbled tired and sat down at the table with closed eyes.
"Ohayou Miku-chan. Hehe. Wake up silly. We have guests." I heard Mikuo say as he placed some food in front of me.
I opened my eyes a bit and grabbed my chopsticks.
"Itadaikimasu~ Huh? Guests?" I looked up as I placed some food into my mouth. There was Gumiya and Rinto here as usual but what was weird was that there was a girl right next to each of them. A green haired one was with Gumiya; a blonde girl next to Rinto.
"Gumi-Chan, Lenka-Chan, this Hatsune Miku. The girl that I've told you both about." Mikuo said to them as he sat down and started to eat.
"Miku, this is Megpoid Gumi. Gumiya's girlfriend." Mikuo said as he introduced the short green haired girl. She grinned and waved at me.
"Yo!" the short green haired girl said.
"Then this is Kagami Lenka, Rinto's girlfriend." Mikuo gestured to the girl with a long blonde ponytail. She seemed to be shy as she gave me a warm smile and then she spoke meekly.
"Un. Ohayou gozaimasu." I said kindly to the strangers.
"I thought it'd be a good idea for you and the girls to go out and fun togethe and become friends." Mikuo explained to me.
"Friends? Oh, yea! I'd like that very much." I looked back at the two pretty girls smiling. These girls will be my new friends hopefully and I'm really really excited.
"I hope we become great friends." I said with a jovial tone.
"Me too!" Megpoid-san said delightfully.
"Un. It'd be an honor being your friend Hatsune-san." Lenka said warmly. My heart began to swell with joy. I've always yearned for companionship I guess and I'm finally getting what I always wanted.
"Well, the guys and I are going out today. We'll meet up with you at the plaza at 6:00 ok? Well, I hope you girls have fun. Let's go guys." Mikuo said as he stood up and put his dishes away in the sink. Then, he left with Rinto and Gumiya, leaving me all alone with Gumi and Lenka.
"So, Hatsune-san, do you like movies?" Gumi asked smiling. I shook my head.
"Shiranai(I don't know). I haven't seen a movie." I said disappointed.
Gumi and Lenka look at me shocked.
"Never?" Lenka asked.
"Not that I know of, no. Never." I answered solemnly. I really have missed out on a lot these few years huh?
"Well then, that ends today. Today, we're taking you to a movie Hatsune-san. And you will love it. Because I am going to pick it out. Hahaha." Gumi said cheerfully as she got up smiling a goofy smile. I laughed.
Lenka took my hand into her gentle one and smiled.
"Ikou. We'll have so much fun Hatsune-san."
"Un! Arigatou gozaimasu, Kagami-san, Megpoid-san." I said sincerely.
"You're welcome." Lenka said softly.
"Don't mention it." Gumi cheered.
"Ikuo!!!" We all cheered and left the apartment excited.

Mikuo's P.O.V.

"I was watching the girls shop through the window at McDonalds when Rinto spoke up,
"Dude. Stop being a stalker."
" Huh? I'm not being a stalker."
"You are. You've been dragging us around eveywhere, making us watch over Miku and our girlfriends. Not that I mind. I mean, I can look at Gumi more closely without her hitting me and calling me a pervert." Gumiya said bluntly.
"Duuuude. How can you look close at her? She is in disguise, hiding from fans." Rinto said.
"Yea, like a hat that hides her hair, a dress, sweater, and sunglasses do much. I can still see her body clearly." Gumiya defended.
"Oooooo. I'm telling Gumi-Chan that you only like her for her body." Rinto teased.
"Nani?! That is lie! I've loved Gumi since we were kids. Way before she developed nicely." Gumiya protested. Which was true. He has always liked Gumi. But it took him a while. Gumi is a very energetic person and it used to take a while for you to have her sit still. So, Gumiya had to muster up all his patience and courage to finally tell her in middle school. But hey, it worked out. Rinto on the other hand was the one who was confessed to. Yet, again, because we allwere childhood friends with one another, it had to happen at least once.
I kept watching the girls through the window, drinking my drink as Rinto and Gumiya kept bickering. I think they're funny though. Buuuuut, it looks like some people don't agree as they watch the two like they're crazy.
"Guys. Guys. Ochitsute(Calm down)." I told then as I wrapped my arms around their shoulders, going inbetween them, stopping them from looking like bigger idiots. They stopped but then pouted, refusing to look at the other one.
Sighing, I went back to watching the girls when all of a sudden some dudes were surrounding them, forcing the girls into an alley way. Oh hell no!
I raced out the McDonalds and towards them, Rinto and Gumiya following suit. I reached the dark alley way and saw the men pinning the girls to the wall. I was furious, especially when one the guys started to touch Miku.
Immediately I tackled the guy who was touching Miku. The two other guys were about to attack me but Rinto and Gumiya joined in. They too were clearly furious.
I had my back to the guy I originally attacked and I didn't notice him running at me with a knife.
"Mikuo!" Miku yelled with distraught and I turned around in time. I kicked my attacker in the side and sent him slamming in the wall. Yet he kept on being persistent and tried to attack me again. This time I charged at him and then picked him up and quickly threw him at his friends. They all fell on top of each other and before we could attack them once more, they scrambled up and ran off.
Panting, I turned towards Miku and looked at her worried.
"Miku! Daijoubu desuka?!" I asked placing my hands on her small shoulders.
"U-un. But you aren't! There is a knife in your shoulder." Miku pointed out. Then, I felt it, the pain. I saw the small pocket knife in my shoulder, and I started to wince, refusing to cry. Yet, Miku started to cry.
Gently pulling the knife out, I threw it away and placed a hand over the spot that was bleeding. I smiled softly at her and wiped away her tears, gingerly rubbing my thumb against her cheek.
"Miku-chan, daijoubu(It's ok). It could've been worse. Nakanaide Kudasai(Please don't cry)." I reassured her. Ignoring the furious Gumi and dazed Lenka. In which both Rinto and Gumiya were trying so hard to calm down.
I couldn't help them because all my attention was on Miku. All of it.
"I-I was scared. S-so scared. Y-you also got hurt. That isn't ok!" Miku blurted out. I was taken aback a bit at first but then smiled. I was proud of her. She is finally showing even more emotions and in a short pan of time. All because of me too. I am helping her. At the same time...I am falling more and more in love with her.
   Smiling at her, I wrapped one arm around her, hugging her close.
  "Miku-chan. Arigatou."
  "Huh? N-nani?"
   "Uun. Nevermind it. It's nothing. Let's go home. I need to patch up this wound and then we can go out and eat something. Hehe." I said with a smile and put back my good arm to my injury.
   We started to walk back to my apartment and then Miku grabbed my hand that was limp due to my shoulder injury. At first I looked at her shocked and then before I could say anything, Miku spoke.
  "Mikuo. Gomenasai."
  "What for?" Even though Rinto and the others where ahead of us and didn't look back, they were listening in. I wanted to tell them that they don't have to listen but this seemed very important.
   "For being useless. If I wasn't here then none of us would've been in this mess. Gomenasai." Miku said pained. Haaa. Now she has learned about regret. That emotion is a pain to deal with. Even sometimes I have trouble dealing with it at times.
  "Miku. No. It's ok. This is common and it happens alot. 
So don't blame yourself. Ok? We're friends here and friends stay together. Through good and bad times. We're here to support one another so if something happens, we're all to blame." I smiled softly and caressed her cheek, rubbing away the tears gently.
   "Un. Tomodachi." I confirmed for her.
  "So, it wasn't my fault then? You still want to put up with me?" Miku asked.
  "Of course. Let's stay together forever." Miku smiled and then with her free hand brushed away the remaining tears.
  "Then I will stay. I want to stay. With you and everyone else." Miku cheered. I then tugged at her hand gently.
  "Then, let's go. I am happy you want to stay. Because I want u to stay also. Wait. Did I say that already? Hehe. Anyway. You get my point right?" I said with a smile. Miku smiled that beautiful smile of hers and she squeezed my hand and leaned close to me.
   "Let's go home them. Together." Miku said happily.
  "Un. Let's go home." With that
   said, we started heading to my apartment or home and I was so happy that I was able to ignore my wound and focus on Miku. My crush and best friend.

Omg. Sorry for the late update. I was so busy with school. Now, I have graduated and have a full summer off! Yay!!!!XD Thank you so much for your support and I love you all!!!!! XD

            With love,

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