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Mikuo's P.O.V

Today I woke up and found Miku sleeping on the floor, music sheets surrounded her. I laughed at her cuteness and then knelt down besides her. It was now mid September and I have been dating her for four precious months now and I have never been happier. I would never want to trade all the time that I have spent with her for anything.
I chuckled and then started to head out to school, it was Saturday so it was only a half day. I kissed Miku's cheek and left.

~Time skip~

It was after school did I realize. That it was a bit cloudy.
"Is it going to rain?" I asked myself quietly.
"There is a 20% chance. But I heard that it should clear up." Gumiya said from behind me. I yelled a bit and jumped back, startled.
"Gumiya?! Don't scare me like that."
"Haha. Gomen gomen. Well, are you heading home?"
"Yea. I need to really just go home to change and pic up Miku. I plan on going out with her today."
"Aaaah, naru hodo(I see). Well, I am stuck here waiting for Gumi. She is a slow clutz anyway. Haha."
"Haha. Yea. Well, Mata ne(see you)."
"Ja'ne(later)." Gumiya replied as he waved at me as I walked away. As I was walking, I couldn't help but feel excited to take Miku out again.
When I got home I saw that the house was a mess as I looked up after I closed the door and took off my shoes at the entrance. There were papers, bottles, & pencils everywhere.
"Ano, Tadaima(um, I'm home)?" I said looking at the mess. What the neck happened? It's like a hurricane came by. I knew the apartment Was a mess before but this us worse.
"Mikuo! Mikuo! I can't think straight. I can't finish the song. This bad. This us really really bad." Miku said in a panicked voice as she jumped up from the floor and into my arms. Her eyes were red from tears and she whined into my chest.
Smiling, I threw my school bag to the side and wrapped my arms around her. I then started to pet her soft teal hair and chuckled.
"You can finish it Miku. You just have a writers block, that's all. Writers block is a temporary thing. All you need to do is take a break. Lets get this place cleaned up and then lets go out. It'll help clear your mind so you can focus again. Also, it could help you with ideas." I said cheerfully as I looked down at Miku with a smile.
"Ok." Miku agreed as she smiled back up at me.
"Good. First things first, let me get changed and then lets clean this mess up." I said cheerfully.
"Hai(yes)!" Miku agreed with determination and excitement. I love her and her enthusiasm.

When we finished cleaning the apartment, we left and started to head out. We talked the whole way until we reached the main part of town which was full of shops and people. Miku as always got excited and started to bounce around.
"Oooo. Where should we go first? What should we do first? Gyaaaa! So many things to do." Miku said being indecisive. I laughed at how adorable she is. I absolutely adore her.
"How about we go out to eat first?" I suggested.
"Huh? But I'm not hun....*growl*" Just then Miku and I were startled as we looked down. Miku then touched her stomach and heard it growl again. I laughed and Miku had groaned.
"I wanted to do things before I ate stomach-san." Miku said as she held her stomach and looked down at it. I laughed and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Daijoubu(it's ok). We can still have fun and go anywhere you want. Today I am treating you so I will pay for whatever you want and take you wherever you want to go. Ok?" I said with a smile. Miku smiled back and nodded.
"Un! Arigatou."
"Iie, no need to thank me. I wanted to do this for you. This is the least I can do. You have been working hard lately. This is the least I can do." I patted her head and smiled. She laughed and then took my hand and started to drag me away to a random cafe and there, we were seated.
Miku then ordered right away and she ordered a bunch of desserts while I just ordered a coffee. When a bunch of cakes & pies came, Miku started to eat ravenously and I watched her, a bit taken aback. When she said she was hungry she was hungry she wasn't kidding. Miku looked up at me, frosting on her face and her cheeks puffed out full of cake.
"Hmm? Doushita no(what's wrong)?" Miku asked after she swallowed her food. I laughed and then leaned over and wiped off some of the frosting on Miku's face.
"You have some frosting on your face silly."
"O-oh, a-arigatou." Miku mumbled as pouted a little, looking away with a blush on her face. Kawaii.
When we done eating, we then went to the shopping mall and I let Miku go shopping.
While we were at one store, I was holding the Miku's bags as she kept on shopping. I was sitting in a chair outside the fitting room listening to music on my phone when I heard my name be called. Pulling a earbud out I looked up at Miku. Then, my body froze.
"How do I look?" Miku asked with a giggle as she wore a cute short sleeved yellow dress that had fit her perfectly. She spun around showing the dress's skirt as it lifted up and puffed out as it spun with her. She looked beautiful as her hair and dress were flowing around her in her spin. When she stopped it all slowly came to a stop and went back in place. She smiled with a slight blush.
"Well, how do I look?" Miku asked cheerfully.
"B-beautiful. No! Um..." I stuttered, shy all of a sudden. I looked down the other way and covered my mouth. My face was slightly warm and I knew I was blushing. Miku giggled and then kissed my cheek, making my face feel as if it was on fire now.
"I'll take this then and then we can go ok?"
"U-un." I agreed as she went off, back into the fitting room.
We bought the dress and started to head out.
"Where to next?"
"Hmmm. How about a walk through the park? And then we can drop these clothes off and then go out to the arcade." Miku said cheerfully.
"Ok." I agreed as I started to lead her to the park.
When we were walking the trail, Miku was walking ahead of me and was in awe as she saw the trees. It's amaxing how nowadays she can find joy even the simplest things. She has.come a long way and I am proud of her.
"Mikuoooooo!" Miku squealed out as thunder was heard and she rammed into me. Just then, it started to rain and I had forgotten my umbrella. So I gravbed Miku's hand and brought her under a gazebo with me as it started to pour.
"Awwww. It's raining." Miku said sadly as she shivered. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around Miku as I held her close. I felt my face burn and heart beat loudly that it was blocking out the sounds of the rain.
I looked away but before I did, I caught a glimpse of Miku she was beat red as she looked nervous. Kawaii.
There was a long moment of silence between Miku and I but it wasn't a awkward one, it was a comfortable one. We looked out to the pond in front of us and looked out at the water, watching the rain drops fall and listening to them fall.
"Mikuo." Miku said quietly, breaking the silence.
"I'm so happy."
"So am I." I said as I held her tighter.
"Mikuo, the rain is beautiful. You know?"
"It is."
"But then it's sad. It seems like the world is crying. Crying for all the bad things. The upsetting things. For the endings." Miku said sadly. My eyes widened as I was bit taken aback but then, I understood what she meant. She's sad about when our end comes. How sad it's going to be. All the tears we'll shed. Yet,
"Yet, after every rainfall everything is happy and the sun comes out along with a rainbow." I said with a smile. Miku looked up at me a bit surprised but then smiled and buried her face into the side of my chest.
"You're right. Everything with be ok in the end. After every rainfall, the rain stops and then the sun shines ever so brightly. Just like how you said." Miku said softly as I felt her smile. I too smiled softly and started to rub her shoulder as I kissed the top of her head.
"I know how to finish the song now. Lets go home after the rain lets up." Miku said as she looked out at it again as she wrapped her arms around my waist, a small smile on her blushing face. I smiled down at her and then looked out to the water.
"Yea. We can do that." I agreed as I kept on looking out.
Miku and I had fallen asleep when we I woke up and realized that it was already night time and the rain had let up. I yawned and then stretched as I felt stiff. I looked down and saw Miku was sleeping on my lap with my jacket on. I smiled and started to pet her soft real hair as I called out her name softly.
Miku moaned and slowly opened her eyes. She then sat up rubbing her eyes as she sat up.
"What time is it?"
"8:30. We should head home. Hehe." I said light heartedly as I grabbed all of Miku's shopping bags and then held her hand, intertwining our fingers together.
I held her small, fragile hand tightly as we walked down the streets heading home. As we were walking Miku then said,
"Mikuo, thank you for everything you have done. Words can't describe how happy I am that you have been doing all this for me."
"Well, thank you for coming into my life. I am more than happy to have met you Miku. Aishiteru(I love you)." Just then we stopped under streetlamp and I kissed her. She kissed back and squeezed my hand tighter.
When pulled away, we were beaming and started to walk again as Miku leaned into my arm and we kept on heading home. Beyond happy to spend what ever time we have together.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I am so sorry for the late chapter and I will indeed keep posting more chapters until this story is finished. I hope you like it so far. Thank you so much for your support and I love you all.


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