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Miku's P.O.V.

Calming myself, I got up and looked at the digital alarm clock on Mikuo's desk and saw that it was 10:37 A.M. He must be off at school already. Over the past two weeks of living here, I learned about Mikuo's daily life such as that he leaves early for school. I wish I could go. But I am incapable of going. If I don't know how to smile how will I learn advanced math? Or Japanese and English literature?
I can't even write while I am still having trouble with reading kanji. Througe only reason to how I survived this long is how I am able to read hiragana and katakana that I already knew how to read(which is all). Yet, Mikuo has been helping me learn about emotions and how to read and write. He even tries to teach me math. Yet, despite all that, I won't stand a chance when it comes to writing and reading kanji. I am still writing messy hiragana and katakana characters. My kanji would be disastrous.
I walked out towards the kitchen and saw that in the fridge was a bowl of leek soup wrapped in clear plastic and a note from Mikuo saying that it was my breakfast. I took it, warmed it up and ate.
After that, my whole day was spent learning how to write and I read some of Mikuo's manga and would use it as writing examples and fun.
I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30. Mikuo should be home soon. So I decided I should cook for him. Then, something came into my mind. I grabbed my long teal hair that was down and decided I should put it up before I cook.
I looked around the apartment and found two rubber bands and put my hair up into pigtails. It took me a while but I did. It was the first time I decided to put my hair up. I looked into a mirror curious to how I looked and I was ok to see myself. They were cute I guess but my face was still straight. I tried to smile but all I got was twitching. I sighed and spoke to myself,
"Smile." I still sound monotonous. Try to break that. But how? Hmmm. I need reference.
I went to the T.V. and turned it on. An anime was playing and there were many cheerful girls. So, I started to try to copy them as I cooked.
I had just finished making omuraisu for Mikuo and I when he came in.
"Tadaima(I'm home)~" Mikuo said with a exauhsted sigh. I walked over towards the enterance where Mikuo stood taking off his shoes.
"Okairi(welcome home)!" I said cheerfully with a straight face. But my lips managed a twitch.
"Huh?! Miku! You're no longer monotonous! Omedetou(congrats)!" Mikuo praised me. Then, his eyes widened and he looked away blushing.
"Mikuo, doushitano( what's wrong)?" I asked worried despite my emotionless face.
"I-it's nothing. Y-you look cute." He stuttered.
"Hm? What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"You look cute with your new hair style. Well, you always looked beautiful." He said quickly. Yet, what does he mean by cute? I told him I don't know what he was saying and he immediately discarded my question.
"Mmm. I smell something really good. What is it? I am hungry."
"Oh, I made Omuraisu for us. It was the least I could do. Since you have done so much for me already." I said with gratitude.
"Tondemo arimasen(don't mention it). Now, let's eat." Mikuo sat down at the table and grabbed a pair of chopsticks.
"Itadaikimasu!" He cheered and began to eat.
"Oishii(delicious)!" He said with his mouth full. He then began to eat ravenously. My mouth twitched and a noise came from my throat. Wad it trying to be a laugh? Mikuo must've saw and heard because his face lit up.
"You almost smiled and laughed! Almost!" He cheered. My mouth kept twitching up but never really made it there. I was so close. I am so very close.
"Hmmm. Ah! I know!" Mikuo got and smirked as he loomed over me.
"Na..." I was cut off when Mikuo picked me up and then place me on the floor gently as he sat on top of me and started to tickle me.
"All you need is a laugh to loosen up." He cheered as he continued. At first I started "pfft" then; I croaked with my lips twitching. Finally, after a while I actually laughed. I am smiling! Smiling! My lips had spread apart in a smile! I am not struggling anymore! It isn't hard! I don't know what Mikuo did to me to feel this happy but he did. I feel grateful. Happy. Overjoyed. Then, something else. What is this other feeling? It's an overwhelming feeling of want. Want for Mikuo as it coincidences with the attraction I have felt for him. Oh well, I'll worry about it later.
Mikuo stopped tickling me yet he was still on top of me as he laughed alongside me.
"See. That wasn't so hard now was it?"
"Uun. It was surprisingly easy. Hehe. I laughed! Haha. There I go again! Ahahaha. My sides...they hurt. Ahahaha."
"Hehe. Gomen. But, you smiled and laughed for the first time in the two weeks that you've been here. That is a win. Now, all wretched need to do is find your sense of humor and then we'd be good." Mikuo cheered as he gave me a thumbs up with a silly grin on his face. Which made me giggle. It feels so good to laugh and smile. I never want to stop laughing and smiling again. It makes me so happy.
Mikuo was still on top with me when Rinto and Gumiya came barging in.
"Miikuoooo! Gue..." Rinto cheered when he suddenly stopped and stared at Mikuo and I; his jaw dropped. Gumiya then to awkwardly point out what h is seeing in front of him.
"Ano...are we interrupting anything? You guys look a little...flushed. And...Yea. Excuse us. Sorry for the intrusion." The two boys bowed and left.
Mikuo turned red and quickly got off of me. He sat beside me silently and started to play with his fingers.
"G-gomenasai." He muttered. I looked at him puzzled. What just happened?
"What's wrong?"
"Y-you know what? Forget it. I-it's nothing. Hehe." Mikuo laughed nervously as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. I shrugged my shoulders, brushing it off. Getting up, I yawned. I was tired from today's studying.
"Mikuo, yout don't mind if I go to bed do you?"
"Uun. Go ahead. I'll go visit Rinto and Gumiya while you sleep. I...have something to talk to then about ok?" He said with an exhausted sigh.
"Ok." I said. Then just before I left, Mikuo grabbed my wrist and embraced me. I felt my face burn up as my heart rate began to increase.
"Oyasumi, Miku-chan." Mikuo said warmly into my ear as he squeezed me. I smiled again and then wrapped my arms around him.
"Oyasumi." I said lovingly, If that is the correct word, and pulled away so my eyes met his. They were a beautiful shade of deep of teal and I felt as if I could just drown in them. Why?
I smiled and nodded towards him, thanking him for everything. Then, I went into the room he is allowing me to sleep in and I pulled out the futon that I've been using for the past two weeks.
I heard him exit the apartment and felt my heart drop a bit due to his absence. Why do I yearn for him? Why do I want him to be mine? Is this what it's like to be in love? If so, I think I am in love with Mikuo.

Thanks so much for reading! Please feel free to review but please be kind when u do. Hehe. Again, thanks so much for reading. I hope u r enjoying the story so far! XD I'll do my best. I love u all! Ja'ne! ;)
Love Kurosakisan.

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