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Miku's P.O.V.

It's the day of the contest and we were loading up Lily's van with the instruments.
"Haku! Neru! How is looking?!" Lily asked as they were helping us load instruments while she was going through all the paper work.
"Fine!" They both said in unison. Haku then closed the trunk door and then opened up the side doors to let us in.
When we got in, everyone squeezed inside, the boys in one row, the girls in the other, 3 to a seat. Lily was driving while Haku sat in the passenger seat and Neru sat with in the back with the instruments.
We were all wearing costumes since it was optional and also, we wanted to hide our identity. We wanted to wait to reveal ourselves till the end of our song anyway. I am so excited for this.

When we arrived at where we were supposed to be and everyone helped unload the van and help put the instruments and equipment up back stage. Then we all went back stage and got ready while other bands were playing. I listened from my dressing room that was set up out back and felt a nervous pit in my stomach. All these bands were good and this might be a bit difficult. The competition was rough.
I gulped and kept on braiding my long real hair, waiting as I was already in my teal cat hoodie that Haku had brought for me. All I had to do is braid my hair and on the face mask that covers my eyes. It is a simple thing anyway. There was a knock on the door and I let the person in. Mikuo came in and closed the door behind him in, dressed in a big cloak and a black mask covering his face. He pulled the mask down and looked the other way, his face blushing.
"Is dressing up really a requirement?"
"Haha. No. But I want to keep our identity a surprise until the end of the song."
"Haaa.What ever. Need help with your hair?" Mikuo asked walking over to me. I smiled and nodded as I let him braid my hair.
"Nee, Miku."
"Do you really want to do this?"
"Hai. I want to make a surprise appearance in front of my family. Since it's been so long. Haha."
"Naru hodo(I see)" Mikuo said in glum voice. He finished and I turned around to look at him.
"Mikuo, daijoubu(are you ok)?"
"Un." he said with a forced smile.
"Mikuo, what's wrong? Something is clearly wrong. I can tell."
"It's ok, really. Just a lot of things on my mind."
"Like what? Oshiete kudasai(please tell me)."
"Miku. You can say that I'm afraid."
"Afraid? Afraid of what exactly?"
"Of losing you like how I lost my parents."
"Miku, shortly before I met you. Well, two years before I met you, my parents were killed in a car accident. Then I was adopted by Rinto's parents. Since I was already friend with Rinto and our families were close. Yet it also Rinto's family that owns that apartment building that we live in. Anyway, ever since my parents death, I was never the same. I wanted nothing to do with people. There would even be times when I would lock myself in my room for hours doing nothing. But, ever since I met you I felt purpose Miku. You give me a purpose and I...I don't want to lose you." Mikuo said.
"I see. Mikuo I..."
"Yet, that is more reason why you have to go see your parents. Because I want you to go see them. To be with them. Then I will feel like I have fulfilled my purpose and find a new one."
"What are you saying?" I asked. Mikuo than walked over to me & hugged me. I widened my eyes & then softened my expression as I hugged back.
"Mikuo. My main goal & purpose was to help you get your memory back and return you to you family. Now, after that is done, I want my main purpose to not only help you, but I want my purpose to be the one who loves you. Just that."
"Haha. Baka."
"You already have that purpose. You always have." I said with a smile as I leaned up, kissing him. He kissed me back as I wrapped my arms around him.
"We should go now shouldn't we?" Mikuo asked.
"Oh. Haha. Yea."
"Nee, Miku. What if we don't win? The deal is to only reveal ourselves at the end."
"Oh. Right. Haha. Well..."
"Miku. Why hide our identity? Why not show them right now when we go and perform?" Mikuo asked. Which made my heart skip a beat. Because to be honest; no matter what I tell myself. No matter how ready I feel. I still feel that nagging want to stay. So I came up with that as a excuse. This way it's like flipping a coin. Whatever happens, happens. Which then can give me whatever end is to come. So it's like a compensation. A deal I made to myself.
"Well. Because I wanted to surprise them. If we loose then I'll wait here with you guys until my next chance to meet my family." I lied with a smile. Mikuo looked at me earnestly yet he said nothing for a long time and I was worried a bit. Worried about what he would say. This is all so new. So odd.
"Alright." He said, nodding slowly with a smile.
"Yay." I cheered. Playing along with this.
Neru came and told us it was time. Mikuo and I nodded and left. My hoodie hiding half my face while Mikuo's mask covered just a up to his eyes. It was made out of a thin fabric so he'd be able to be heard. He is loud when he wants to be anyway. Haha.
Mikuo and I met up with everyone who wore their large hoodies & masks. Which covered their faces from the audience.
"Ready?" Gumi asked in a whisper once we were huddled together.
"Haaaaai(yes)." We all said.
"Minna, lets do our best." Lenka said in a cheerful voice. Her eyes showing that she was smiling. We all smiled and agreed as we walked out onto the stage.
"And now, I, Yohio will gladly announce our next contestants. Anonymous! They will be singing a song that they wrote themselves. Hikari! Ooooo. Cool right?! A round of applause everyone!" The host said, beaming as he clapped, causing the crowd to also clap and go wild.
We then took our places. Gumi at the guitar. Gumiya at the drums. Lenka at keyboard. Rinto on the bass. Then Mikuo and I at the front by the microphones for we were the vocals. I beamed at all the people that showed up. Then, I saw them.
Mom,Dad, & Onee-chan. They were in the front row sitting on a elevated platform. I smiled and waved to them and they waved back and smiled. Even though I know they can't tell who I am I still felt so happy. Mikuo gave a me a small nudge, looking down at me. I nodded, giving him the, "I'm ready" signal. He nodded and looked back at everyone and nodded to them. They gave a quick nod and then Lenka started playing the keyboard. Then, Mikuo started to sing,
"I've been dreaming a long time without waking up. You, in the world that belongs to us. " Then, the instrumental came in. The song had begun and Mikuo continued.
"In a dark, and empty place only (vague) sensations floated. "I'm lonely" you cried. All you wanted was a hand to grasp yours." Mikuo sang.
"As I cried, "Singing all alone is lonely" you called my name and stroked my hair. Your hand was so gentle. When you taught me that one day" I was singing.
"A song" Mikuo interjected.
"I thought I wanted to sing it from heart. I already lost that feeling but...." I sang, trailing off as everyone sang the verse,
"Unknown system error."
"My right hand exists to grasp yours. Even if this body is a false thing. "
"Even if no one is there on the display screen I look at because of you, I'm not lonely anymore."
"Somewhere in my mind, I'm afraid to think about an end coming. But when I'm by your side I feel like time has stopped."
"If ever you can't sleep I'll be there next to you the whole time. If your eyes overflow with anxiousness, look only at me. You sang for me..." Mikuo sang, smiling at me as I then inserted,
"A song."
"And it has been engraved into my memory. But a program that feels something is important shouldn't be able to exist."
"Unknown system error." Everyone sang.

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