VI : The Origins of NCT 127

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Seoul, South Korea. 2016.

Johnny was standing in front of the door, nervously turning around. He sometimes raised a hand, ready to knock but then changed his mind and started biting his nails compulsively.

There was no doubt : he was definitely in front of Lee Taeyong's house, but he couldn't make up his mind on a strategy to adopt in order to effectively approach the young man and persuade him to join his project.

Thanks to his past humiliation, he was very well aware that he indeed looked like a mad scientist from outside, especially when this passionate glitter shone in his eyes. This image could frighten the student.

He needed just a little bit of tact.

For a short moment, he even hesitated to go back to his hotel room and think a little more about the situation. Plus, it was getting pretty late for a friendly visit to strangers.

Right when this idea crossed his mind, a middle-aged lady appeared from a nearby window that was wide open.

- Are you looking for something, sir ? she nicely asked.

He mentally slapped himself. She must have thought he was some kind of freak doing shady business around her house. His behavior was so suspicious, he couldn't blame her.

- Oh... Oh yes, please, excuse me for disturbing you at such an hour ! I study at Seonggi University and I wanted to help Taeyong with the most recent lectures he missed because of the accident, he lied.

It was a very risky lie, in fact ; he didn't even know what exactly the man studied, so if she happened to ask the wrong question, he'd immediately get exposed.

- I see. Unfortunately, my son has been feeling unwell lately, I don't want you to waste your time for him.

- Oh well... I brought soup and porridge. Seeing someone will maybe cheer him up ! he said, cutely showing the paper bag that contained the food.

He really did bring some, a thoughtful present was always a good move.

The mother looked a bit hesitant but soon, her face disappeared from the window. A few seconds later, he heard a key clicking inside the door. Another woman, younger, stood behind her. Her knitted eyebrows gave her a stern expression that showed she deeply resented his presence.

- My daughter will show you around. (She coughed uncomfortably). But please, don't be too caught off guard. Taeyong hasn't been acting like himself after the accident. I appreciate your kindness.

The young woman guided him through the corridor in complete silence, eyeing him warily from time to time. She obviously was very protective of her brother. She stopped in front of a door, knocked a few times but no one answered. She still opened it.

- Someone came to visit you, she whispered.

Her voice cracked a little and Johnny knew she was about to cry. She was visibly very affected by the recent misfortune. Once again, no answer came. Pain flashed on her face.

She slightly bowed to bid goodbye to Johnny respectfully and left him all alone.

Dr. Seo took a deep breath and stepped inside the room, closing the door behind him so they could have a bit of privacy.

The young man he looked for was sitting at his desk, frantically drawing plans. Numerous piles of papers surrounded his desk. Strangely, what struck Johnny the most was his unbelievable beauty. Of course, the poor man had just survived a traumatizing experience and it showed on his physical appearance. He was sickly pale, had shaggy hair and dark bags under his eyes but it wasn't enough to tarnish his delicate aura. His face was beyond perfect, he almost looked unreal. Then, the scientist's attention was caught by his slander hands drawing fast and precise traits on the paper. His gestures were hypnotizing. Out of the blue, his feverish movements stopped and Johnny looked at him straight in the eyes. They were so big and overflowing with sweetness. The lights of his desk lamps reflected in them in a poetic way, it almost seemed like he had those bright lights inside of him, visible to anyone who would look at him intently.

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