VII : The Origins of NCT 127

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TW : this chapter will include violent scenes.


Stage 5 of Taeyong's dream (lucid dream).

Night 1 after the accident.

Fresh water was teasing the young man's feet. The orange light of the sunset (or was it actually the sunrise ?) gave warm honey reflects to his skin. He looked at his bare feet, then his legs hidden in a large light brown pair of trousers that slightly touched the small waves. Their shape was thin but manly, which meant he wasn't a child anymore. He examined his hand, lifted the loose collar of his white shirt a little to oversee his torso... He looked like himself when he's awake.

He could perfectly remember his real life, contrarily to the last time he visited the desert. He distinctly recalled lying in his hospital bed, trying to kill time by sleeping again after his family left, and dozing off for an undetermined amount of time...

Everything except himself was in the exact same state as last time : even the sun had stopped its course.

Since he had nothing better to do, Taeyong dived in the sea and peacefully swam for some time, enjoying himself with a blissful smile on his lips. When his limbs became stiff from the effort, he reached the beach and laid in the sand, not caring about the itchy sensation of the grains in his clothes and on his scalp.

However, he soon got bored and looked for something to do. The infinite sea and infinite desert drove him crazy. As panic progressively took over him, his mind wandered for absolutely no reason. The cute puppy he had saved from drowning popped up in his thoughts. As soon as the memory of its cute little face and the sensation of its tiny warm body against his torso became vivid, he heard joyful barks on his right.

Taeyong jolted. Next to him stood the puppy, its tiny paws sunk in the sand and its tail stirring in all directions.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Without hesitation, he ran to his small companion and hugged it happily while it was licking his face, causing him to giggle.

- Hey, what are you doing here little one ?

They played together until the dog started panting in a way that suggested it was thirsty. The young man started to worry because the only water in sight was salty. He also realized there was nothing to shelter from the sun when the day would come.

Examining the shapes of the hills in the horizon, he found one that would be extremely fitting for a river to run down it. He visualized exactly how it would look and in the blink of an eye, without him even expecting it, a rush of water flowed from the top of the hill he had been observing. At first, it was only a thin trickle of clear water making its way to the sea, but it soon grew thicker and thicker until its noise filled the silence of the landscape.

But now that he looked around, Taeyong felt unsatisfied. If he indeed had the power to make things coming straight from his imagination appear in the desert, then he should absolutely get rid of this boring, monotonous landscape in order to give his dog a pleasant life.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and imagined trees. Apple trees, oaks, cherry blossoms... Then, he imagined flowers that maybe didn't really exist, wild grasses... The landscape he just invented looked straight out of a fairy tale and seeing how the puppy was jumping around excitedly, it enjoyed it even more.

Taeyong knew another way to amuse his new friend. He called it back and kneeled in front of it. After patting its head a few times, the young man imagined a cute bird with bright orange feathers and a long purple beak. The bird magically came to life in front of his very eyes. The dog barked enthusiastically when the bird flapped its wings. He created a grasshopper, a bee, a bunny and a sheep... Caught up in the fervor, he even created a fish and a turtle. Somehow, a funny scene played in his mind and he terribly wanted to try it out : he made a huge whale appear on the horizon. When it fell in the sea, it splashed both of them and provoked a huge wave. Obviously, Taeyong had anticipated this and taken the puppy in his arms so it wouldn't drown again.

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