XVIII : Without You

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TW : violence

Seoul, South Korea. 2016.

Taeil knew how to put pressure on Doyoung. He had spent three days weighing the pros and the cons of the situation, skipping shifts at the restaurant with the excuse of being sick. In fact, he just needed some time alone to make up his mind on how far he could go to bring Doyoung to the lab.

And here he was in front of the latter's building, ready to wreck both of their lives to put an end to the hell that reached out for him every night.

His fingers pushed the button of the doorbell several times, with determination.

After a while, he heard soft steps going down the stairs in a rush and a key turning in the lock. His whole body stiffened in advance, in expectation of a punch he'd probably receive straight into the face when Doyoung will discover the identity of his visitor. Quite strangely, instead of straight up attacking him, the latter just slammed the door. Fortunately, the waiter had a prompt reflex and blocked the door with his foot.

-I have a favour to ask you.

-Spare your saliva, then. I have nothing to tell you.

-Please let me in, I won't be long, Taeil begged.

He didn't let him the choice to refuse by pushing the door and stomping in the entrance stubbornly. Doyoung grumbled inaudible swear words.

He looked very pale and skinny. Definitely weaker than last time they met, a few months ago. Sure, the singer had signed a contract with a famous agency so one could say the diet he must be going on was most probably affecting him, or that he was having a hard time keeping up with the expectations of the coaches. But Taeil knew.

-You have 5 minutes before I kick your ass out once for all.

-I met a doctor for my nightmares. He introduced me to other researchers. They want you to cooperate.

Doyoung sneered.

-You want me to help with your nightmares ? I didn't think you' d fall so low.

Taeil's lips quivered in rage. He couldn't afford to lose his temper at such a decisive moment.

-You don't understand, Doyoung. I am not giving you the choice. You are visiting the lab whether you like it or not. Or else, I report you to the police for your crime.

The singer blemished dangerously. Despite the cynical smirk still plastered on his face, Taeil knew his threats affected him strongly.

-You will take the fall too.

-Unlike you, I have nothing to lose. No dream to pursue. I am ready to spend my entire life in prison if it can bring you down.

Doyoung greeted his teeth angrily while clenching his fists.

-You're a scumbag, Moon Taeil.


Seoul, South Korea. Early 2016.

Thick scarlet blood splashed all over Doyoung's face. His heart briskly froze in his chest when he realised the magnitude of the mistake he just made. When he realised his life might be ruined for good.

His grip tightened around his opponent's shoulders to the point that his knuckles whitened. He blankly stared at his chest, unable to face the consequences of his acts.

He couldn't accept it yet, but the facts spoke for themselves : he now had a freshly murdered body pathetically hanging on his clothes rack.

His knees bent under his weight and he collapsed on the floor, gasping for air. An appalling scream threatened to rise in his throat but he bit his hand with all his strength because shouting would catch too much attention. It would be pretty inconvenient to see his neighbour knocking at his door to check on him, right ?

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