XVII : Without You

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TW : this chapter contains a violent scene and mentions of suicide.


Seoul, South Korea. 2015.

Taeil was shattered. It felt like his distress was so tremendous that it destroyed him physically too. He was disintegrating from the inside. The poison annihilating his heart now contaminated his whole body, making him rot as if he was already dead.

As he was getting dressed for Jinseo's funerals, he couldn't help but imagine the tie that he was adjusting around his neck was a rope. A rope that could save him from grief. There was no need to prolongate a life that was already lost, right ?

Was all this suffering his only reward for loving so sincerely ? For taking care of his great love so selflessly ?

His look blurry with tears fell on his bedside table where he had scattered photos of them when he was drunk the night before. The only sight of her face brought up a cloud of intoxicating memories. He remembered the thrills he got when they made out for the first time. The way she tasted, the way her hair left a delicate scent on the pillow she slept on, the way she put her chin on his shoulder when they slow danced at her sister's wedding...

As tears threatened to spill, Taeil heard loud bangs at his door. He opened it on autopilot mode, not even processing what he was doing. In no time, he was thrown on the floor by an infuriated Doyoung hovering over him with bloodshot eyes and prominent veins on his neck and forehead. He was already dressed for the funerals too.

One punch violently landed on Taeil's cheek. A few stars danced in his vision because of the impact.

-You flirted with her ! he screamed as if possessed by a demon.

Or perhaps he was the demon.

Another punch followed.

-You made her cheat on me !

Another one, sloppier this time but just as painful.

-You fucking asshole ! You convinced her to break up with me that very night !

A punch again. Taeil was about to pass out.

-You sly snake you killed her !

He grabbed the poor waiter by the shoulders and smashed the back of his head on the floor so hard that for a millisecond, he thought he was dead.

His face covered with blood, Taeil laughed in a sinister way. He spat some blood on the side before growling.

-What are you waiting for, uh ? You smash me like you just did one more time and my neck bone won't hold on. Isn't that what you came for ?

Almost losing it, Doyoung snaked a hand around the other's neck, ready to strangle him.

-You see, I was planning to hang myself after the funerals just a moment ago, what a lovely coincidence.

The sentence must have sounded even more gruesome than he thought because Doyoung let him go with widened eyes. Both of them were now lying on the floor of the entrance, panting like two mad dogs.

-Don't you dare think you already touched the bottom. I still want to torment you until you sink into madness. Until you beg me on your knees to kill you with my hands...

To that, Taeil answered with a maniac laugh. Doyoung was right, he deserved to suffer a lot more before leaving this world.


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