XX : The 7th Sense

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Stage 4 : Empathy phase.

Location : construction site of the City 127.

The city was rising from the earth at an inhuman pace. Taeyong suspected it to be a result of the time dilation. Simultaneously, he estimated that the human population had tripled in the span of five nights. Everything was beyond his expectations.

At first, he spent all his time with Jaehyun exploring nature, swimming in the sea or chilling in the lab's replica but this time, they ventured further to inspect the progress of work and see how Taeyong's architectural fantasies became concrete.

On the construction site, they found Woman I who was the chief supervisor of the work. With the typical emotionless voice of her species, she explained the techniques they employed, shared the future plans and even guided them for a visit in the stone quarries and charcoal mines they exploited.

Sometimes, Chittaphon would come and join them for a meal. He had a very good sense of humor, especially since he became more comfortable around the two Koreans but Jaehyun still didn't find him very trustworthy.

He insisted in private that Taeyong should really try to learn more about where Chittaphon used to dream before he arrived in the Neozone but the student always ignored his recommendations, too busy with his city plans. Additionally to this lack of interest for his warnings, the younger gave up on their little investigation about Chittaphon's past life in Siam, too fed up to spend all his evenings reading through boring annals. Jaehyun really had faith in his gut feeling however, so in secret, he maintained his efforts, hoping to find compromising information about Taeyong's very questionable guest.


Seoul, South Korea. 2016.

Mark was striving to keep his eyes open, occasionally gulping down cups of coffee to shake himself up. He had been sitting in front of his computer for hours now, decrypting Doyoung's every cerebral signal. The work was rather monotonous and uninteresting so far since Mark couldn't get any information out of it. Naturally, he saw the electrical currents appear in point A and mysteriously vanish into thin air at some point, undoubtedly to disturb Taeil's brain. But how ? The mystery remained unsolved. And it was slowly getting on his nerves.

He was so engrossed in his boring task that he didn't notice Jaehyun approaching his desk, making him jolt when he put a hand on his shoulder. He almost shouted in surprise but the doctor put a finger on his lips to shush him.

-There is something you need to know, Mark.

-Another time maybe ? I'd like to find a lead before Mr. Kim wakes up.

-Jaehyun accomplished the Empathy proceeding like Chittaphon told us, Taeyong intervened from behind, his voice raspy with fatigue.

Mark turned towards his colleagues with an amused smirk on his lips.

-Tell me something I don't know.

Both friends shared an astonished look, quite taken aback by this reaction. They were convinced they had acted in absolute discretion.

-You noticed it ?

-Of course not. Johnny heard your conversation at the dorm when he was trying to fall asleep. He wanted to stop you but I told him to let it go.

The news visibly made Taeyong uneasy.

-Was he... disappointed in me ?

A hitch of insecurity pierced through his words. Johnny's approval mattered more than anything. If Johnny had been hurt by his actions, he would never forgive himself.

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