Chapter 5: New Wave Daimyo?

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In Konoha Hokage Tower)

" WHAT!? what do you mean someone took him!? How could you let this happen sensei!" Yelled a Old man with long white spikey hair who is a hermit and wears like a sage like attire.

It had only been two days since Naruto's abduction Sarutobi had summoned Jiraiya for help which isn't going well...

" Jiraiya I tried... I have sent Hunter nin's and anbu to look for him everywhere throughout Land of fire and still no sign of him not only he's missing... but Itachi, Anko and Yugao are as well... I still have the search going on to look for them they couldn't have gotten that far... from Konoha.." Said Sarutobi with a tired sigh as he was smoking his pipe.

" Sensei If Minato was alive he'd be rolling over his grave to find out that you let someone kidnap his son I'm praying it wasn't Iwa... who took him not to mention they have a grudge with Minato in the third shinobi war.." Stated Jiraiya with a frown as the old professor sighed.

" And what has been going on ever since I left this village... was he treated well?" Asked the toad sage

" I'm afraid not... I have tried... the village hates him jiraiya... they still think he's the kyuubi reborn... " Sarutobi replied while Jiraiya narrowed his eyes.

" Sensei... you know Minato wouldn't want this! his last wish was for Naruto to be seen as a hero! not to mention I'm his godfather! had you let me take him away from village this would have never happened ! but I had to listen to you because if I took him with me he would be in great danger since Minato made a lot of enemies you promised that he would be treated under your care!" Jiraiya yelled with disgust while Sarutobi looked away

" And don't forget you had me lie to Tsunade's face about Naruto killed in the kyuubi attack! if she knew he was alive and that we lied to her she'd beat us both with a inch of our life!" Ranted Jiraiya.

" I know that Jiraiya! we failed Minato! we failed protecting his son! we will do better once we retrieve him! all I want for you to do is too help me find him since no one else can't! since you have a spy network I want your network to be on a lookout for him!" Sarutobi shouted

" I will do that just that!" Jiraiya shouted back as he leaped out the window leaving the third Hokage to is thoughts.

" I hope jiraiya's spy network finds Naruto... along with Itachi, Anko and Yugao... I must bring him back and I want to know who this women is that took him... she not only kidnapped Naruto be I believe she kidnapped Itachi, Anko and Yugao too... " Thought Sarutobi as he sighed looking at the 4th hokage's picture on the wall in his office.

( With Lucy naruto and company)

The Five within two days made it to the country wave without no difficulty they noticed the village was indeed poor, villagers looked less happy they all looked at the five new strangers who came into Wave was a Pink haired woman with two horns on her head along with the woman was a 6 year old naruto with his horns exposed and Itachi Anko and Yugao were her bodyguards or something? the people of wave feared ninja's and armies would invade their land but did their daimyo care about that? no he didn't.

" So this is wave village... this place looks sad..." Commented lucy with a frown she could see these people had no happiness within them

" I guess the rumor is true about their Daimyo... what are your suggestions Lucy-sama?" Asked Itachi while she turned towards him.

" Hmmm for now... we visit this Daimyo... I wish to know if he is the greedy man... and failure of a Feudal Lord.. that he is..." She said in a monotone folded her arms under her breasts.

Lucy may have hated humans for what they have done to her and made her life a living hell in her world but she couldn't stand seeing the people of wave look unhappy and miserable. She could tell by the looks on their faces that they were not happy at all and she now decided that she would take mantle of being the Daimyo and make this village her own image and with Naruto being her heir to the throne and dicloninus clan he would be loved by this village since Konoha failed to honor the 4th Hokage's wish.

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