Chapter 21

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Naruto, Anko and Loona are now in the forest. The Uzumaki boy is out in this forest for only two reasons:

Reason One: See Hinata Hyuga and have the time to talk to her. He was glad that bodyguard of hers couldn't come into the forest of death.

The only reason why Ko Hyuga couldn't come was because the Chunin exams was only allowed for Genin teams and he isn't a member of team 8 just Hinata's bodyguard to ensure that Hinata is to keep her distance from Naruto. Hiashi made it clear that he did not want his daughter anywhere near Naruto at all. He didn't care if the boy was Royalty under some Pink haired woman with horns on her head making her an abomination. His worthless daughter is to not have ANYTHING to do with the Uzumaki Commoner filth.

And with Naruto already in the forest of death looking for her. Hiashi is not going to like this and knows the chances that his daughter will deliberately disobey him.

Hiashi wasn't stupid... he can't really do anything to the Daimyo's son.. much less he can't risk earning her wrath since it was rumored that she is the serial killer here in this village when she came here and took Naruto. And she can kill with some freak bloodline of invisible hands? He wondered was it possible for the Byukugan to see these invisible hands..

Reason Two: Meet and find the red head girl who could be a possible family member of the Uzumaki Clan.

He is escorted by Anko since she knows this Forest better then anyone. Loona decided to tag along to follow her master.

The three would jump from tree branch to branch. As the three would go farther into the forest of death.

The Three would land on a tree branch and perch on it. As Naruto turns to Loona.

"Loona can you get Hinata's scent along with that red head girl?" Naruto asks his dog companion who was sniffing the air for both.

"I caught the Hyuga's scent she smells of Lavender.. she is directly up ahead. As for the other she is that way." Loona would say directing her head to the right

"Ok. I am sending a clone to that location. We will go directly to Hinata immediately." Naruto says now weaving handseals to create a Shadowclone and directed it to the right as it ran right for that direction.

"Ok. Let's go!" Naruto commands with Anko and Loona following ahead

( With Grass Team)

Karin and her team were currently stand by as both of her teammates left her in care of their scroll while they go out to get other scrolls.

Karin would continue to remain in her hiding place that was until a giant bear made its way to her and it terrified her she immediately made a run for it. While holding the earth and heaven scroll that her teammates entrusted her with.

As she ran she tripped over a tree root and would fall flat on the ground dropping her heaven and earth scroll while her glasses fell off her face.

She could hear the bear closing in on her as it growled ready to tear Karin limb from limb. The girl tried grabbing her glasses that was until she heard a loud sickening snap along with a loud thud. She quickly put on her glasses and looked at the bear that seems to be dead. This confused her... what killed the bear?

Walking from behind the bear was Naruto who retracted his vectors.

"How-How did you do that?" Karin asked facing him with wide eyes.

"My bloodline. My vectors. You can't see them though because they are invisible." Naruto answered.

"Who are you you?" Karin asked looking at him

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