Chapter 16: Pound of Flesh Part 2

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Konoha Hospital)

It was around the same time Naruto had massacred the orphanage.

Jiraiya is currently getting a checkup from his doctor about his lower regions that could fall off someday.

The doctor just told him to keep using the cream should it get irritant again. As he walked down the hospital hall not really enthused about what was going on. His godson is living with a pink-haired murderer that made Konoha look bad. And what's worse is that he's going to fight his godson in order to keep the boy here. With the assistance of Kakashi Hatake in the upcoming Chunin exams..

That pink haired bitch is living in his student's house which is not meant for her to stay in.

How could things go to hell?

Much more worse matters is that his former teammate Tsunade is here and very angry. And he's doing his best to not piss her off not wanting to die at her hands. He knew she was furious with both him and their sensei.

On why they lied to her. To keep her away from Naruto.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a scream. Turning to his left looking horrified he saw the head doctor of Konoha along with 5 and 6 other nurses and Doctors torn apart and disembodied horrifically. Standing in front of the bloody mess was Tsunade Senju. Who looked at Jiraiya dead in the eyes with blood on her cheek narrowing her dark pink eyes. At her ex teammate.

 At her ex teammate

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"Jiraiya..." She says in a pissed-off tone

"Tsunade..." He replied really scared of what she'll do to him. It didn't take him a genius to know why she was here.

Tsunade was here to have "words" with the hospital staff regarding her Godson. After hearing why they did the stuff they did to her godson Right after it was revealed to them that Naruto is her godson things went to Shit as she unleashed her vectors and ignored their pleading cries and apologies for their actions.

And now Jiraiya is standing in front of her.

He gulped. With sweat rolling down his face. He came here to the hospital at the wrong place at the wrong time. And knew she's in a very bad mood and will fuck him up. Given how he and his sensei deprived her of raising Naruto. He knew they were in deep shit if she ever found out they lied to her.

"Why...?" She says in a deadly whisper

"Why what...?" He asks already knowing what she means.

"Why did you and sensei lie to me? How could you two do such a thing!? You knew I would have taken him in!. You better tell me the fucking truth Jiraiya right now or i'll fuck you up so bad to the point you'll be handicapped when you and Naruto fight in the Exams!" Tsunade hissed in anger and instantly had her Vector wrapped around his throat lifting him in the air choking him.

"Argh! What the hell!? How is she doing this!? It's like an invisible hand is choking me!" He thought gagging as he was being choked.

"Speak Jiraiya! Or you're going to turn blue!" Tsunade growled tightening her grip on jiraiya's windpipe.

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