Chapter 24: The Twins

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Time skip one week because I'm to lazy to right that much                                                                     Third person P.O.V

"Come on Trunks!" Gine said tugging the back of Trunks' shirt as he was laying on the bed.

"No, I just wanna sleep." He whined into the pillows.

"Please. Come on I wanna go see Kai and Angel when they get here."

"Then go, you didn't stay up till 3 a.m with your mom working on a new flying sports car."

"Come onnn, I don't wanna go without my lavender." Trunks raised his head from the pillows and looked into her eyes. She was doing puppy dog eyes at him. He slamed his head back into the pillows.

"Doing puppy dog eyes will get you nowhere."

"I thought I'd try anyway." She layed down next to him and started rubbing his back.

"That feels nice." He turned his head to face Gine. She smiled at him then kissed his cheek. He placed an arm over her and pulled her close. "When are they gonna be here?"

"Four o'clock."

"What time is it now?"

"Nine thirty."

"Why are you getting me up now?"

"Cause I was lonley."

"How about you wake me at twelve and I'll get ready." He yawned.

"Okay." Gine snuggled close to him. "This is nice...I love you lavender."

"I love you too short stuff." The two dozed off.

Time skip three o'clock

Gine yawned and streched her arms before raising up from the bed. She looked at the alarm clock on the bedside tabel.

"Oh shit. Trunks wake up!" She started tugging on his shirt again.

"Mmm." Trunks yawned and opened his eyes. "What time is it." He sat himself up on the bed.

"It's three. We need to get ready!"

"Oh crap." The two got out of bed and got ready as fast as they could and were ready by about three thirty. "Next time I'm setting an alarm."

"Geez, I wasn't trying to fall asleep. I just, like being held by you it relaxes me." Trunks looked at her as they walked out of their house and smiled. He locked the door then gave her a kiss. "What's that for?"

"For being you, and cause when we get there Chi-Chi won't let me hug you." The two got in their car and drove to the local airport. Goten was already there, of course. So was Chi-Chi, Goku, and Gohan. Chi-Chi was chewing out Goten about Kai and Angel. Goku and Gohan were off to the side watching and talking about something. Trunks and Gine walked over to Gohan and Goku.

"She still on him about this?"

"Yup, we where wondering which one was worse. The store incident or this one."

"Oh that's tough. Honestly, the one with that car outranks the store incident."

"Oh, you're right."

"I have no clue what you guys are talking about."

"Well we're talking about the times Goten got in trouble."

"Oh. Hey wait Gohan, what about that scene with the Victoria at the front desk?"

"Meh, that wasn't to bad."

"Who's Victoria?"

"The girl who works at the front desk at Capsule Corp."

"Is she, blonde with green eyes?"


"Ah, I remember her. Called Shimo a beast she did."

"Why are you talking like that sis?"

"like to know, would you?" She did a smirk and raised one eyebrow.

"Oh Kami. I knew I shouldn't have let you watch Star Wars." Gine laughed and then Gohan brought up the dreaded question.

"So, when are you two gonna get married?" Trunks and Gine looked at each other.

"I don't know." Trunks answered. Then they heard a women's voice.

"Son Goten?!"

"Uh, over here!" Goten called. The women walked over to him and she was holding two carseats, the kind you'd put a baby in. Goten walked to her. She gave him a file and a few things for his children. He took the carseats and thanked her. She smiled and walked away. Goten walked to where Gohan, Goku, Gine, and Trunks were. Chi-Chi was right behind him. He got over to his family and best friend and set the carseats down. Everyone looked into them and Gine got a big smile on her face.

"Oh they're so cute!" Gohan hit Trunks lightly with his elbow.

"You know this means she's gonna want one now right?" Trunks didn't know what to think about Gohan's comment.

"So which one's which?"

"This one's Kai, and this one's Angel."

"I just want hold them and snuggle them forever. Kai's so cute with his spikey black hair. And Angel with the blonde hair, he already looks like a Super Saiyan." Gine was going crazy over the little babies, making everyone chuckle at her. "I can't wait to have some of my own." Gine said as Gohan looked at Trunks with a told ya so look on his face. Trunks rolled his eyes and smiled, he loved seeing Gine happy and the thought of a family with her made him happy. "Trunks come look at them. They're so precious." Trunks walked over there and looked at them.

"Well one things for sure, they're Goten's kids alright. Look at Kai already rocking Goten's hair."

"Like father like son." Chi-Chi said.

"Well, I suppose I should take them home."

"Already Goten?"

"Yeah sis."

"But they're so cute. I want to hold them so bad." She whined.

"Well get your own." Gine looked at Trunks. Trunks took a second to get everything through his brain and he didn't know how to react. Gine walked over to him and hugged him.

"Gine, what are you thinking?" He asked blushing.

"Mmm, what do you think?" Trunks looked up at Chi-Chi who was giving him a death glare.

"Duh, I- um..." Gohan and Goten burst out laughing at them. "Uh, are you ready to go home I'm tired..." He looked back up at Chi-Chi. "... Okay that's a lie I'm scared of your mom." Gine laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah. We can go home." She smiled.

"Hey, no. You two are coming over for dinner." Chi-Chi demanded. Gine looked at her and crossed her arms.

"No, we're going home mom."

"You're coming to dinner." Chi-Chi furrowed her eyebrows at Gine. Gine grabbed Trunks' arm and pulled him towards the exit. Chi-Chi tried to follow them but Goku stopped her.

"Chi-Chi, you need to let her be an adult for once. She's twenty seven years old." Chi-Chi looked at Goku. She sighed realizing her little girl wasn't so little anymore. After that, everyone went home.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was like the last one, not my best, but not my worst. For the next chapter I'm thinking about making it a little mature. And I'm going to try and make it better than the last time I wrote something like that. So if you're not into stuff like that, you might wanna skip the next chapter. Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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