Chapter 166-170

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Chapter 166

Yu's father returned from Huang Xuan's parents for a few thousand dollars and went back. When he left, he gave Yu Ye a thousand dollars, and also said to Huang Xuan that the matter was endless. Huang Xuan was so frightened that she wanted to go home and was afraid to face the anger of her parents, so she could only stay at school honestly. The classmates looked at her with strange eyes, and occasionally whispered behind her, making her sit up and feel complacent. Then she knew how painful it was to be treated with cold and verbal violence.

After Ye Ye changed his hands, he handed over a thousand dollars to Lin Dan, with a happy expression. Yu Father didn't take her home, but she didn't care anymore.

In the afternoon, there was a physical education class. The teacher asked the students to run around the playground twice. Lin Dan's physical fitness is very good. He ran in front. A group of boys followed her. You said something verbally.

A nubile boy pointed at Lin Dan's cocky **** and said, "Rui, look at Lin Dan's ass, it's really sexy!"

Ma Rui smiled unwillingly: "It's really sexy, it must be fun to fuck."

"Rui, don't you say you want to get Lin Dan up? How about it, did you succeed?" Another boy squeezed his eyes, his expression was a bit wry.

"She's pretty capable. I don't want to buy her imported food. I'll make an appointment with her directly in a few days, and I'll see how she still pretends. Women are like that, cheap and give her a good look When she had to take Joe, if you treat her a little, she will be obedient like a dog ... "Ma Rui was kicked hard by the people behind her without saying a word.

He rubbed off the ground and fell out. His elbows and knees broke the skin, and his pain was terrible. When he looked back, he found that the person who stabbed himself turned out to be Gao Shukai, and immediately yelled, "I care for your mother, Gao Shukai are you crazy?"

"I'm hitting you!" Gao Shukai stepped up to make a kick, and the two immediately scuffled. All the boys had their own camps, and soon joined the melee.

Lin Dan turned his head and looked at the tall and fierce figure quietly. He should have been systematically trained and very skillful when hitting people. It will not cause obvious trauma, but will also make the victim to die alive. Ma Rui was almost crushed and beaten by him.

The teacher quickly ran over and pulled them apart. Ma Rui's mouth was blue, and he looked a little embarrassed. Gao Shukai's hair was messed up. I don't know who was scratching a scar on the back of the hand, dripping blood drops. He stared at Ma Rui, his majestic words: "Your boy, don't mess around in the class, otherwise I will see you hit you once!"

"Gao Shukai, you're neurotic! I didn't mess with you at all!" Ma Rui seemed to be frightened, not as arrogant as before.

Gao Shukai opened his mouth, seemed to want to refute, and glanced at Lin Dan, who was not far away. He spit and sneered: "What kind of virtue did you have in the original school, others don't know, but I know it clearly. I warn you, don't do anything in my class, otherwise I will make you overwhelmed. Go for a walk! "

When he heard about junior high school, Ma Rui's eyes flickered and he turned away.

Ai Yu saw Gao Shukai injured, and hurried over, nervously, "What the **** are you doing! I was injured without notice! Hurry up, I will take you to the infirmary for bandaging!"

Zhou Nan also came over, worried.

Others only thought that Ai Yu's concern for Gao Shukai was a bit exaggerated, but Lin Dan knew that she was not exaggerated at all, and she should really be anxious. Gao Shukai usually looks normal, but his blood has an indescribably strong aroma, which not only made the holy spirit move, but even the nearby ghosts gathered together at the risk of being burned by the scorching sun, forming a whole body around him. Tuan Yin.

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