Chapter 186-190

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Chapter 186

Meeting Liu Ruoyun's episode didn't have any impact on Lin Dan's campus life. The knowledge of the entomology department was too useful for her. She started a new round of study hungry. On this day, she entered the large classroom, but found that the rostrum was full of people. A man was lowering his head to speak to a group of students. He could not see his face, and seemed to be a new lecturer.

"Lin Dan, sit here, I'll take your seat." A fat girl raised her hand and shouted.

Lin Dan walked over and took out a matcha cake from his schoolbag. The girl took the cake happily and whispered while eating: "Did you see that? This is our new tutor. He will teach the course" General Entomology "in the future. You do n't know, he is too versatile. He also took a class from the history department and was a star lecturer in the history department. Look at our big classroom, which was empty before, but now filled with people. Those are his fans. It's handsome, it's so furious! "

The girl waved her little fist and was very excited.

Lin Dan looked around and found that the classroom was full, and turned his head to look at the podium, then he froze.

I saw the man surrounded by his classmates looked up, revealing a handsome and strange face, dark red tear moles fell in the corner of his eyes, making him look particularly melancholic and mysterious. His appearance was very aggressive, and he instantly took away the breath of the people around him. When he smiled with his thin lips, Lin Dan heard the swallowing of people around him.

He took out a pair of golden glasses and put it on the tall bridge of his nose, and his melancholy temperament was instantly replaced by gentleness. He wrote two big characters of Long Fei Feng Wu on the blackboard with an oil-based pen, and chuckled: "My name is Zhou Xuan. This is your new lecturer. Teacher Song is unwell and hospitalized. Before he recovered, the" General Entomology " I will do all the lessons. "

Some of the students cheered and some mourned because the teacher was so handsome and mourned because the teacher was only temporary and would leave sooner or later.

Zhou Xuan raised his hand to signal everyone's quietness, then took out the roster, and said with a very magnetic voice, "Well, it's time for class. I'll click on the name, Ning Tao, Xu Hui ..." He didn't raise his head. One-by-one names, the students who answered the question draw a tick, the students who shouted three times without answering draw a cross. When he saw the familiar name, he finally raised his head, looked straight at it, and said, "Lin Dan." The two words seemed to be held in his mouth for a long time. When he spit it out, he carried a few strands Unspeakable temperature.

"Here." Lin Dan raised his hand, no expression on his face.

Zhou Xuan gazed at her for a while, then lowered her head and nodded the next name. Until all the classmates' names were finished, he did not give up any extra gaze. His distinction was so obvious that people sitting around Lin Dan whispered.

"Lin Dan, do you know Teacher Zhou?" The fat girl asked in a low voice.

"I know." Lin Dan opened the book without explaining too much.

Everyone around her knew that she was an ice beauty, and she didn't like to talk, and the discussion stopped after a while. Handsome men and women always bring their own magnetic fields and attract each other. These mortals can only look at their eyes and be jealous.

Lin Dan was not interested in Zhou Xuan's sudden appearance. As long as he did not intend to hurt her, she could completely ignore his existence. She was already ready to waste a class, but unexpectedly Zhou Xuan's lecture was very exciting. She combined theory and practice and explained it in simple terms one by one, even if she has no basic knowledge, she will not I don't understand.

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