Chapter 368-369

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Lin Dan said it was to adjust, but God knows how to adjust. Even if she wanted to break her head, she didn't understand what it was like to love someone. She sat on the sofa for a few minutes, returned to the window and tried a few more photos with Baird, but failed to get the photographer's approval.

"No, no, or no. Your eyes are black and white, white and white, too clear. When you love someone, your eyes cannot be so clear, there will be a little restraint, a little can't help but a little joy and fullness The love, together, is like this glass of wine, warm, pure and rich. You said that you have never been in love, I finally believe it now. "The photographer stared at the sample, his tone very helpless.

Lin Danlian said a few apologies, feeling a little anxious. Either she doesn't do it or she does her best, so even if it's hard, she has to express the feeling the photographer wants. She grabbed a bottle of red wine and apologized, "Director, can I drink a little wine?" After drinking, her eyes will naturally become wet, lazy, and confused. Although it does not meet the requirements of the photographer, it is better than Be stronger when you are awake.

"Yes, drink and drink." The photographer waved hands again and again.

Baird hadn't had time to stop, Lin Dan had murmured into the mouth of the bottle, drinking with great gesture. She wiped the red wine stain on the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and said embarrassedly, "I drink a lot of wine. Drinking a glass or two is useless. I have to blow the bottle."

Baird stared at her blushing cheeks and couldn't help but smile. God, after a deep understanding, Lin Dan was even more adorable than he thought!

"Don't drink, your face is already red." Baird took the bottle from her hand.

The makeup artist played down Lin with a very cool makeup, but after drinking, her cheeks and eyes were stained with a thin layer of red, and her black and white eyes were full of water, and she looked very confused and cute. She stood barefoot and looked up at herself, like a fragile child.

Baird was set in place by her soggy eyes, and she could hardly break free.

"Are you ready?" He tried not to tremble when he talked, but his heart beat faster.

"I'm ready, let's get started." Lin Dan's mind was still sober, but her soul was floating in the air. This was a very special feeling, which greatly weakened her reason and released her emotional side. Yeah, didn't she say that long ago? This time try to indulge, try to fly, try to experience everything you haven't experienced before.

She snuggled into Baird's arms naturally, and took the initiative to pick up his hands, overlapping her belly.

This time, the stiff man was replaced by Baird. He could feel that Lin Dan's body temperature was rising, and a faint scent of wine overflowed from her crimson lips, which made him a little bit dazed. He tightened his arm and put it against her ear and said, "Look at my eyes when I take a picture, try to imitate my eyes." How it feels to love someone, you will understand when you look at me.

Lin Dan turned to look at him, but looked into an abyss. This abyss is not dark, but there is no end. There is a very thick thing in it. She immediately caught her eyes, twined and twisted. Pull deeper. She stared at him uncontrollably, with a mist of water in Hitomi.

The two hugged each other and leaned on the window sill. The man hugged the woman's waist from behind. The woman held a glass of red wine in her hand, turned her head to the side, and looked at the man's eyes very seriously. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, so close that they could smell each other's breath.

"What did you see?" Baird whispered. The tip of his nose was about to meet Lin Dan's nose, but she didn't avoid it. This change made his heart beat wildly.

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