Chapter 181-185

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Chapter 181

How many dead bodies are buried in Qingyuan Mountain, even the government's administrative department can't tell, because from hundreds of years ago, here is the famous mass grave post. If all the bones are cleaned up, I'm afraid the height will drop several hundred meters. But now, all these corpses have crawled out of the soil, one after another walking down the mountain.

Only this night, several nearby villages were slaughtered by corpses, not even chickens and dogs. An abandoned car was found at intervals on the highway. The owners were torn to pieces, leaving only the scene at the scene. The next pool of blood. Once the corpse swarms into the city, the death toll will continue to rise, and it is more likely to cause shocks throughout the country.

No one can afford such a consequence, so half an hour after receiving the call from Zhou Xing, all mysticians, including government administrators, arrived in Qingyuan Mountain one after another, ready to discuss solutions. The major traffic arteries are also full of people and army in the Xuanmen. Once the walking dead are found, they rush up to the siege and must not let them enter the city.

The masters, magic masters, ghost masters, and orthodox heaven masters each have their own tricks, but they are just struggling in vain and unable to restore the situation. There are too many dead bodies, and they can't be killed at all, not to mention that there are also mixed with fierce zombies and blood corpses, as well as shadow corpses and corpses with great resentment, etc., it is a corpse exposition. And their leader is the stalemate that only exists in the legend, only one step away from the stalemate.

The mayor of Haicheng rubbed his painful temple and said coldly, "Otherwise, he would just blast this mountain!"

"You can't blast the hilltop with a bomb. The yongxue has been opened. If you blast it with a bomb, it will only make the yongxue a yongchi and bring **** directly to the world. By then, there will be no boundaries between the two sides of yin and yang. It will become the first underworld in history, and more than 17 million people here will all die from the erosion of evil spirits. "Bai Xian immediately rejected his plan.

"What should we do?" The Mayor of Haicheng was very upset. "In the final analysis, this is the trouble caused by the people in your Xuanmen. You can't do this either, then you can't think of a good way! You also Knowing that Haicheng has a population of more than 17 million, before you do anything, why don't you want to think clearly! Our government agencies are just too generous to your Xuanmen, and will let you do whatever you want! Ten million, just for ten million All Haicheng people have to be buried for you, what the **** is this! "

The Mayor of Haicheng has always been polite and polite, and it is the first time that he has swear words in front of everyone. After learning what happened, he almost did not vomit blood. A high school student opened a cave that leads to **** for ten million dollars. He didn't dare to do it in the movie! If this person stood alive in front of him, he would knock her head open and see what she was thinking all day!

"The mayor, please be calm and calm, we are already thinking of a way." Xiong Blind said slowly: "This is the end, the only way is to seal the gully there to cut off the supply of the ferocious gas to the walking dead. The mortal spirits that rely on life are much better to deal with, and some do not even need us to do it. When they are exposed to the sun during the day, they will turn into blood.

"How to seal it?" Bai Xian asked afterwards.

"Jiuxing Lianzhu seals the sun and the moon." Xiong Blindly said cautiously.

"Nine Stars Lianzhu Formation?" Zhou Xinghe's face was pale: "Who is going to fill his eyes?" The reason why he is so scared is that the Nine Stars Lianzhu Formation method is the only method of seals handed down from the ancients, which must be composed of nine Taoist methods Tall living beings as a front. Once the matrix method is turned on, they will continue to absorb the skills of nine people until they die. The deeper the skill of the nine people, the stronger the power of the seal, once it is opened, it is irreversible.

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