Chapter 332-333

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The first episode of "Flyover" soon aired, and the scenes of Auston's trough Riel were talked about. Although Lin Dan is only a prop to show clothing, not even a supporting role, but her figure was decently and incompletely approved by the fashion godfather, and naturally has a controversy because she has an oriental face.

Some people recognized her as a once-popular Oriental Elf, and quickly sent her online photos of her catwalk show to the Internet to compare with her now. There are a lot of people who ridicule her fallen, and it has brought a certain amount of heat to the show. The producer who had planned to fire her had kept her a few thoughts.

In order to keep the job, Lin Dan accelerated the pace of weight loss. After a short period of weight loss, people's mental state will often be poor, and their skin will become rough, loose, and waxy yellow. Some people are even uglier than before losing weight, but Lin Dan is completely free of this problem.

Her skin was firm and smooth, her hair was thick and black, and her body was slender but slender. Her height was three centimeters long, reaching 178 cm.

Looking at Lin Dan who was standing in front of the mirror, as beautiful as a luminous body, Bolsa screamed: "God! I can't believe you will become like this! If I were not with you every day, I would You have to wonder if you ran for a facelift! Oh my god, how could your waist be so thin? How did your peach hips come out so perfectly shaped! Oh, your legs seem to be longer than before, look It's very thin, but it has no bones, like God's elaborate fabrication. Lin, you will definitely be on fire again, you are now a stunner! If I were a designer, I would be crazy for you! No , All the men in the world will be crazy for you, I feel like I'll be stunned by you! "

Lin Dan ignored his rainbow fart and took the bag to the video studio.

Bolsa chased after her and shouted, "Lin, can you use those skin care products for me?" I wanted to see Lin Dan buy all kinds of strange Chinese medicines to make those pastes. For a long time, now I can't wait to kneel at Lin Dan's feet and ask her to make a set for him. Oriental medicine is so amazing!

"You can get it yourself." Lin Dan waved his hand indifferently.

Half an hour later, Lin Dan arrived at the video studio, but learned that Riel had fainted because of too much pressure and was rushed to the hospital. In order not to delay the following filming, the staff of the program team took his place to measure the measurements for Lin Dan.

"Are you Lin?" Facing Lin Dan's slender but bumpy figure, the staff member's face turned red. After Lin Dan's weight loss, his facial features became deeper and deeper, completely different from the narrow and long Phoenix eyes of Westerners, who looked slightly sharp and flattering. Oriental beauty is mostly gentle and soft, but her beauty is very cold and hard, and very aggressive.

Faced with her new look, the staff held a tape measure for a long time and didn't know where to start. She stared at Lin Dan's full **** for a while, then swallowed a spit silently, and then began to work. Contestants who were busy measuring their measurements around Ping Lin frequently peeped at Lin Dan and secretly muttered, "If the guy Riel can see Lin after losing weight, the pressure is probably not so great."

In order to design clothes suitable for fat people, Riel overturned three design drafts one after another. The fabric provided by the show group was almost used up by him, so why not worry? After seeing the doctor, Riel hurriedly returned to the studio and notified Lin Dan to try it on. This evening is the catwalk, he only has seven hours to adjust.

"You you you, are you Lin?" Riel looked at the beautiful girl standing in front of himself, stunned.

"Where is the clothes?" Lin Dan put down his bag and took off his coat. She wore a pair of skinny jeans and a black tight-knit sweater with a single shoulder today. The extremely elastic fabric tightly wrapped her body, drawing a nearly perfect curve.

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