Chapter 384-385

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When Kang Shaojie and Shen Jia returned to Zhou's house, they took out their own exercise books and started to do it. If they didn't, they would ask Cao Muchen. At first Cao Muchen was very patient. After helping the two to solve a dozen big problems, they were about to collapse. I wish I could swallow the words that had encouraged them to study well.

"Can you go through the textbooks and find the answer yourself, don't always ask me? You can't even the most basic questions, what were you doing at school?" Cao Muchen hated Shen Jiayi's ears in steel.

Kang Shaojie took a pen and imitated Lin Dan's movements in his workbook, sighing: "Well, if I can also be like a black girl. I write the answer at a glance. Don't think about it, it's handsome. Are you there? "

Shen Jiayi recalled Lin Danyun's pen-like appearance and quickly echoed: "Yeah, it's so handsome, it's superpower. This is the first time I've seen the difference between genius and ordinary people."

Cao Muchen let go of her friend's ears and urged: "Since you know you can't compare with genius, you have to work harder! Write your homework and don't chat, do you know the stupid bird first? Also, the director will arrange us tomorrow Go to school in Taohua Town, get up early. "

Hearing the bad news, two wailing sounded in the room.

The director stood at the door and looked at the three young masters, looking very happy. After half a month, they finally took a picture of their serious study, otherwise this season's "Transformation" must be changed to "Journey to the West". These three are the monkey monkeys. Without the skill of Buddha, they did not want them to be honest.

A planner came over holding an open laptop and whispered, "Director, come here. This is the picture the photographer just took. I think you need to take a look."

"What?" The director followed the plan and walked into the next room to watch the playback. His expression became more and more surprised, but in the end it was a little excited.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that in such a remote place, there was such a magical child hidden, and we were called to run into it! God is helping us. This season, the gimmick of" The Metamorphosis "has, Enough! Well, what do you mean by my eyes? Why didn't I choose the Lin family as our shooting base? "The director was surprised and frightened again, and his mood was extremely complicated.

"The Lin family has only one child and can't exchange with the Kang family, so we ruled out his family from the beginning. This is also no way." Planning comforted.

"Okay, anyway, the little girl lives next door, so please let everyone pay attention when shooting and give her some more shots. You can take the pictures you took today and let them think about how to cut them. I have a hunch , This will become our famous scene this season. "The director explained cautiously.

"Director, you can be wrong. All the shots of the little girl may become famous scenes, really. You see, this is all the footage about the little girl that I specially edited. I do n't know. I was shocked, and every time the child played, it was wonderful. "Planning another video.

The director looked at it for a while, and there was a thick joy in his eyes.


Lin Dan didn't know that he had been remembered. He washed his clothes and quilt after finishing his homework. He dried out at night and started cleaning the room again. Lin Shuanzhu was afraid she was too hard, and she often persuaded her to keep her work until tomorrow, but Lin Dan was the kind of person with super mobility. "Today is the end today" has always been her principle of doing things. .

By the time she was finished inside and out, it was already more than eleven in the night, and Lin Shuanzhu was long asleep on the bed covered with brand-new bedding, and she was still boiling hot water in the kitchen to prepare for a bath. Washing is quicker. There is no hair dryer at home, and I can only sleep with wet hair on.

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