Chapter 378-379

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That night, the head nurse helped Lin Dan find a house, right across from the hospital, and walked twenty meters across the road, very close. The two entered the room under the leadership of the landlord. The tenants in the room were arguing. A dozen people squeezed the small kitchen. The men, women, adults and children were very messy.

Before Lin Dan was near, he heard a sharp female voice from the kitchen: "Which turtle son stole the chicken I cooked on the stove? Will you die if you do n't have this food? Believe me or not Put rat poison in the chicken soup and poison your grandchildren! Whoever eats the old lady 's stuff, who **** rotten belly, rotten heart, rotten heart and lungs, rotten rotten face and rotten XX ......

The more the woman scolded, the more unpleasant it was. Lin Dan frowned, thinking that such a house must not be lived. One was too complicated and unsafe. The other was a common kitchen, which caused conflicts. The other three were separated by cloth curtains. , Fear of losing property.

She wanted to ask the landlord if there was any other house. The head nurse had spoken first: "Lao Guo, this house is not working. It is too messy. Is there a single room with a kitchen and a toilet? This girl goes out and lives in a single room. safer."

"Single room is not the price."

"It doesn't matter, how much I'll make up for the little girl." The head nurse immediately took the matter.

Lin Dan quickly rejected the kindness of the head nurse, repeatedly stated that she was rich, and then bowed and thanked the head nurse, so that the head nurse was so embarrassed that she reluctantly retracted the preface.

The landlord had heard of Lin Dan before and was happy to help her. She rented a ten-square-meter studio with a balcony to her for 80 yuan a day. The toilet still had to go to the kitchen, and the kitchen was not. However, there is a small stove and a set of kitchen utensils on the balcony, which can open fire. Beds and bedding are also ready-made, and bags can be accommodated.

Lin Dan settled down that night, got up early the next morning to buy breakfast for Lin Shuanzhu, stared at him after finishing the hanging needle and ran to the nearby vegetable market to buy food. Oil and salt sauce vinegar, rice noodles, bowls and chopsticks insulation barrels, these things are all bought and can't be saved. Although it will cost a lot of money at one time, it will be much cheaper than box lunch in the long run.

She bought half a local chicken, put it in boiling water to remove the **** gas after processing it, added various condiments and **** cubes, and stewed it on the stove. The stewed chicken takes a long time to soften and taste, so this is eaten at night. At noon, she simply fried a green pepper shredded pork, three fresh tofu, and mushroom greens.

Don't look at these three dishes are all ordinary home-style dishes, but Lin Dan's cooking method is not simple at all. The shredded pork is thin and must be marinated with spices such as cooking wine, starch and soy sauce. After grasping with your hands to become soft and savory, stir fry with high heat. If the heat is not controlled well, the shredded pork will grow old and become firewood, losing its original flavor. Sanxian tofu must be quickly added with bean paste, raw soy sauce, mushrooms, ham slices, etc., or it will not be fresh and tender enough. The key to shiitake greens is also the heat. Not only must the fresh flavor in the shiitake mushrooms be forced, but also the greens must be kept crisp and crispy. There are many ways to do this.

The simpler the home-cooked dish is, the more it can show the true skill of a chef. This sentence somehow appeared in Lin Dan's mind somehow. But she seemed to be accustomed to this feeling, and didn't think about it in the deepest. She just put three dishes into the insulated bucket, turned the stove to a low fire, and continued to stew the chicken. At last, she hurried to the hospital and sent it to Lin Shuanzhu. lunch.

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