Chapter 324-325

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After going through so much suffering, Wang Jun is no longer the one who only knows how to eat, drink and play. Seeing Ouyang Xue 's reaction, he even wanted to laugh, and he really laughed. He could n't help but ridicule: "Did you feel very lost? Ouyang Xue, in fact, you did n't behave like you hated Zeng Zhenyuan. Knowing that everything you own comes from him, and more clearly that losing his love you will lose everything. You are so resistant to him only because of inferiority and anxiety in your heart. You try to prove his existence by angering him Value. And I'm just a means to show your charm, or a tool to stimulate Zeng Zhenyuan. "

Ouyang Xue kept shaking her head, murmuring in dismay: "No, I'm not what you said."

Wang Jun glanced at her and continued: "No matter what you think, I can't continue to be with you. Zeng Zhenyuan has let go, you are free, and now you can go anywhere you want."

Ouyang Xue looked up at him, his eyes gradually lost focus. Without Zeng's shelter, where can she go? Where did she originally come from? Thinking of this, Ouyang Xue actually showed an expression of terrible fear. She finally remembered that before meeting Zeng Zhenyuan, she was just a dancer sold by her father, dancing in a bikini every day, and frankly enduring endless harassment from rude guests. She has never been a famous lady. Without Zeng Zhenyuan, she lived like a mouse in a gutter.

Ouyang Xue became more and more frightened, and hugged Wang Jun's legs unwillingly to let go.

This teary face, Wang Jun, has seen too much, and now he has no pity, but feels annoyed. But after all, he had received a good education and couldn't do anything to kick people apart. He could only clenched his fists and suppressed. He has no mood now to comfort Ouyang Xue, he just wants to know what happened to Lin Dan, will he really kill the child.

Lin Dan is an orphan. She should be more eager for family warmth than the average person. She must be reluctant to bear the children in her belly. Wang Jun can only support himself with this fantasy, otherwise he will go crazy sooner or later.


The next day, Lin Dan entered the operating room under the arrangement of the doctor. Before the anaesthetic, the doctor asked with a surgery notice: "Who will help Miss Lin sign?"

Lin Dan froze, then said, "I'm an orphan, can I sign for myself?"

The doctor is still considering that the notice in his hand has been pinched by two left and right hands. Zeng Zhenyuan and Han Xu said in unison: "I'll sign." Then they stared at each other.

"What's your relationship with Miss Lin?" The doctor looked at the two men in contention in embarrassment.

"I'm her friend." The two spoke at the same time.

"Friends can't sign." The doctor waved.

"I'm her boyfriend." Han Xu immediately changed his mouth.

Zeng Zhenyuan had a thicker face, and took the initiative to take over the identity of his father: "I am the child's father. This child did not come at the right time. Let you bear the pain of losing again. "

Lin Danfu sighed, she didn't realize until today that the two of them turned out to be playful.

The doctor looked at Zeng Zhenyuan with a disdainful glance, but handed him the notice. Zeng Zhenyuan seemed to have received an extremely important task. He took out a gold pen from his pocket, swiped his signature, and then carefully asked: "Doctor, my girlfriend will leave it to you."

Han Xu grinded his teeth and did not compete with him for boyfriend status. Much more said, the doctor thought that Lin Dan's private life was chaotic.

Lin Dan didn't even think about it when they were helping himself. She wasn't so sensitive that she couldn't bear the slight misunderstanding. No one can do the operation without a signature. At this time, someone can accompany you, which is much more secure than facing alone. She lay down calmly and smiled, "Thank you."

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