Chapter 281-285

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Chapter 281

Through two live broadcasts, Lin Dan has established a very lofty image in the hearts of the audience. She is beautiful, versatile, and graceful, and shines with humanity everywhere. But now, some people have told them that everything that Lin Dan shows is fake. She is actually an ugly village woman in her bones. Her beauty is a handicraft cut from a scalpel. So, the more lofty her image was, The greater the negative effects after the collapse. The collapse of one or two floors of a house can only be considered an accident. If a skyscraper collapses, it is a disaster.

Just after her ugly photo was released, the black material that Bai Jilan had used as a young prostitute and also guilty followed, which is even worse.

Lin Dan's explosion on the Internet, accompanied by these two black materials, was just like the gunpowder was poured into an explosive barrel and a fuse was added, instantly exploding fans who liked them to pieces. But the black powder and spray that originally hated them fell into a carnival and began to spread various rumors.

Some people say that the reason why Lin Dan had a facelift was to hook up the rich on TV; some people said that she gave the show team a lot of money and let the show team create several fake plots to help her hype. It's fake; some people say that the orchids in her flower room were harvested from the mountain, which is a key national protected plant. She broke the law and was arrested and put to jail ...

Public opinion is such a thing that can be easily induced, and even more frightening is that huge public opinion has really attracted the attention of relevant departments and is preparing to investigate Lin Dan. Driven by some people, the Forestry Bureau and the police issued a police report, which is undoubtedly the last straw that crushed the camel.

Black powder and squirt were blown up happily, but Lin Dan and Bai Dailan's diehard fans did not dare to defend their idols.

When the situation was rapidly fermenting, Lin Dan and his team were still broadcasting live. They didn't know what happened on the Internet at all. For some reason, the live broadcast platform did not interrupt the signal, but upgraded the server as soon as possible, and then the number of viewers in the live broadcast room jumped from 6 million to 8 million, and then to 9 million, 10 million. ...

There is no doubt that this glorious data will create a brand-new history. Regardless of the good or bad ending of Lin Dan and Bai Dailan, the live broadcast platform is the final big winner.

Anlang was still carrying a cardboard box in the attic, without a cell phone, and missed the phone call from the special assistant, so everything broke out, and the venom of destruction was approaching Lin Dan and Bai Qilan quietly.

In the eyes of the scornful, disdainful, or disgusting eyes of the audience, Lin Dan sat opposite Bai Bailan and slowly said, "I know that since the first day here, you have buried many questions in your heart. Now we Sit down and have a good chat. Whatever you want to ask, despite asking, I promise that I will answer any of your questions frankly and never hide anything. "

[Ask her why she needs a face lift. 】

[Ask her where to do the facelift, the effect is so good. 】

[Ugly, plastic surgery! I thought how noble you were, but it turned out to be a man who admired vanity! 】

[Maybe it's because Bai Ma's image in my heart is too holy, I really can't accept her as such an ugly person. She also randomly harvests national key protected plants. In order to make money, she really has no bottom line! 】

[I am an orphan. In my imagination, my mother should be like Bai Ma, strong, warm, and beautiful, covering almost all the advantages. But now, I really cannot describe my disappointment. Plastic surgery is really nothing. Everyone loves beauty. This is natural, but you can't violate the law and you can't make gimmicks to deceive the audience. If your appearance is false, can we still believe in your medicine and your character? 】

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