Chapter 360-361

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Knowing that Zhong Yuxiu and Sister Liu both jealous of Lin Dan, the little assistant didn't dare to say anything when watching the video, but she soon discovered how difficult it is to suppress her excitement. This shooting can only use " "Unprecedented luxury" to describe, viewers with a weak heart are best watched together with their family.

The dark screen finally turned on after a long download period. Auston's handsome face appeared in the lens. He was holding a camera and was carefully adjusting the focal length. His expression was very focused. Many staff members were He came and went beside him, all ignored by him. The female editor always stood by him to communicate the shooting matters. He was silent and very indifferent. How could he be the photographer of this cover!

Before the little assistant responded, the editor-in-chief said with a smile: "Ah, Lin Dan is here!"

Auston looked up quickly, staring at the door with a burning gaze, after which he could never look away from the beautiful and mysterious woman.

He suspected that the jewellery and dresses prepared by the editor-in-chief were not good enough for Lin Dan, and even contributed his private collection. Those dazzling jewelry and gorgeous dresses shocked everyone. When Allston opened the boxes filled with jewelry and lined them up in front of Lin Dan, the little assistant covered his eyes and shouted silently, "Ah, my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes are going to be blind!"

At the same time, the official website of Beauty Magazine uttered countless messages, and netizens screamed excitedly. This scene is really extravagant and fits everyone's illusions about the life of the aristocracy. Having said that, Oston was a Nordic nobleman. If he returned to his homeland, he would have no less power than Baird.

The photographer took a lot of close-ups at these jewels, but saw a pair of slender hands pick up a string of sapphire necklaces, and gently put it on Lin Dan's neck.

Seeing this, the little assistant couldn't help but admire Lin Dan a little. In the face of so many priceless treasures, her expression was always calm, her eyes were black and smooth, as if she was facing only a pile of stones. She can even be picky: "This necklace is too complicated to design and doesn't seem to match my dress."

"How is that?" Auston smiled lowly, and his extremely magnetic voice tickled his heart.

The little assistant touched the tip of his flushed ears and found for the first time that Oston's charm was not worse than Baird's. He directly dismantled the magnificent sapphire necklace into a pile of pieces and took out the two largest ones, explaining: "This necklace is a mosaic design that can be split into necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches, I'll help you wear a whole set, and you look at it again. "He pierced two huge sapphire stud earrings into Lin Dan's pierced ears, carefully moving, full of care, and then holding Lin Dan's cheek, chuckling: Your eyes are brighter than sapphires. "

Lin Danluo said thank you generously, but his cheek was stained with a thin layer of red, which made Oston chuckle again. The interaction between the two was light, soft, warm, and sweet, and the little assistant was almost embarrassed. Ah, she felt like she was going to be a mutiny. Why did Lin Dan fit so well with Aston? Isn't Aston famous for being asexual? !! !!

It took a full three hours to match the dress and jewelry. Auston could not wait to pile the most beautiful things on Lin Dan's body, and in the end he helped her with makeup. He likes pinching Lin Dan's jaw and admiring her black and white eyes; he likes to lightly touch her lips with his fingertips, and feels her tender and warm; likes her brilliant eyebrows and tall nose, anyway.

He whispered, "Dear, do you know how beautiful you are?"

The little assistant could hardly breathe. She followed Zhong Yuxiu for two years, but she had never seen Aston treat Zhong Yuxiu so tenderly. In the end, people are different.

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