Chapter 308-309

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This is the first time Han Xu has opened the real estate certificate. He stared at the owner's name for a long time, and the muscles on his cheeks were very tight, as if he was holding back something.

Qian Li asked uneasily, "Han, what's wrong with you?"

Han Xu stowed the real estate certificate and shook his head: "Nothing." He opened the door to leave, but Zhou Da chased it out and asked, "What are you doing with Wang Jun's real estate certificate?"

He had long known that Wang Jun spent five million to buy a house for Lin Dan, and said he was not jealous that it was false. With so much money, some people won't make a lifetime of struggle, and Lin Dan has it easily when he lays down on the bed. Why is this not fair? Now when I see Han Xu casually moving Wang Jun's belongings, he will naturally want to crook. After all, people are dead. This house was bought by Wang Jun without concealment from his family. How easy is it for anyone to get it?

Han Xu was too lazy to ignore him and went straight.

Zhou Da couldn't help but curse a swear word. Qian Li advised: "Don't ask, anyway, Han Ge won't greet Wang Jun's stuff. Han Ge's game company does a good job, earns millions of dollars a month, and his family is richer than Wang Jun's. . "

"Knowing people knowing what to do, who knows? In case his game company loses money, want to make up for leaks?" Zhou Dayi laughed.

Anyway, Han Xu came to Lin Dan's house with his real estate certificate. He once drove Wang Jun once but didn't go upstairs. This time he found it according to the address on the real estate certificate. Lin Dan opened the door and said warmly, "Come in, the house is a bit messy, don't you mind. Drink tea or white water?"

Han Xu looked at the cardboard boxes all over the floor and Shen said, "Are you ready to move? So fast? Are you short of money?" Then he realized that Lin Dan had been accepted by Harvard, and she would be in the United States for the next few years. Life is more likely to stay there forever and not return, and of course she lacks money. As long as she sells the apartment, she will be better off in the United States.

"Yes, I need money at the moment. I have already collected the tea. You can drink water." Lin Dan poured a glass of white water for Han Xu and then kept packing. She carefully packed all the luxury goods and was going to take them back to the school's flea market to sell. Of course, it is convenient to sell on idle fish, but it takes a long time to pack and mail, which will be very troublesome, and it is better to sell it directly to female students in nearby university towns. Female students have relatively poor economic conditions and are more inclined to buy second-hand luxury goods.

She took pictures of the same luxury products and made them into a circle of friends and sent them to the circle of friends. The news spread quickly, and many people showed willingness to buy.

Han Xu stared at her every move, patiently persuaded: "This apartment has a lot of room for appreciation, and I suggest you don't sell it for the time being." This is the fastest person he's ever seen to go tea. As soon as a friend had an accident, Lin Dan was ready to give up everything, and she was really nostalgic.

Are women's hearts so cruel? Han Xu thought sadly.

"I know it has a lot of room for appreciation, but I need money urgently." Lin Dan didn't explain much and took the real estate certificate directly.

Han Xu was speechless for a while, staring at Lin Dan for a while, finally shaking his head and leaving.

Lin Dan hung the apartment for sale by an agent, but moved back to his bedroom. Her roommate ridiculed her angrily, saying that she was a pheasant flying on a branch, inserted a few grasses on her **** to mark the phoenix, but now it couldn't fit anymore and was beaten back to its original form. Many people pretend to be passing by, but in fact are watching her lively, knowing that she is going to sell the luxury goods in her, and she feels more and more downcast.

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