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Monday had rolled around again, and I wasn't enjoying it.

Nothing had happened, and I was bored as shit. Bro hadn't come home last night, and Dave was acting strange. He seemed anxious and was waiting for Bro to come home.

Of course Bro was going to stumble in like a drunkard.

Or so I thought.

That didn't happen, and Dave had started to freak out last night. He had trouble going to sleep, and he had started to shake too. I felt bad for him, I also wanted to punch Bro in the face.

What was he doing!

Leaving us without telling anyone, and then not coming home.

I was angry.

But nothing was happening, and I kept looking towards the door as if to hear Bro stumble into the kitchen or something.

That didn't happen.

And it was now 2:08pm.

And I was looking out the window.

The day was calm. Barely a cloud to be seen in the clear blue sky above me, and the birds weren't chirping for once.

Good times, good times.

But I didn't expect this to be seen at all really, well not Kanaya at least.

Kanaya was running through the streets, frantically looking around as if something was up.

She began to cross the street..

And made it over safely.


Wait a second.



Oh fuck.

I frantically ran out of the room and out of the apartment. Frantically locking the door as I tried to pull a hoodie on, and brush through messy hair with my fingers at the same time.

I began running down the stairs, but then I remembered how many of them there were.

The elevator hadn't been fixed.


I could continue runnin down that bullshit we call a staircase, or I could try out that flying thing..

It would be remarkably quicker. Yeah, let's try it out.

I jumped up and anticipated what ever the fuck I was anticipating. I didn't feel anything happen really, except that I didn't actually go back down onto the floor.

Hey hey! I'm actually doing i-


Ok let's just do this.

It's scary, I know. But let's just get it over and done with.

I then graciously started to float down the stairs. Graciously was the most out of context word I could possibly use to describe this experience. Graciously? More like messy tripping over literally nothing crapfest.

Time skip:

I actually managed to get down the stairs without cracking my skull open, yay me.

But I had more important matters to deal with, which was saving Kanaya from whatever happen to her.

I ran out of the apartment block, with just enough time to see Kanaya walk down what I think may have been a street.

I cautiously peeked around the building which she walked down.

Why was she walking down an alleyway, especially when school was on. I thought Kanaya actually liked school.. Welp, this just shows how much I know about her.

But enough monologue, we have to follow her! On with the investigation!

As I began to run down the alleyway I soon realised how obvious I was being. Maybe I should get onto the roofs? They're pretty low, they have awnings and shit too.

Ok, let's do this.

I then flew up to the roof, which wasn't very hard. Haha! Suck on that pretentious black string of fate I'm gonna save everyone now! Especially with these visions, and newly acquired flying ability.

Wait, fuck I need to catch up to her. I then began to run with Kanaya.

Eventually, after a bit more running, she began to slow down into a walk.

"Hello?" She asked, as if expecting an answer.

"Greetings, are you sure no one followed you?"

"Y-Yes, I am positive." Kanaya quaked, trembling slightly.

"So, your next fix up will be around $60. This shit was hard to find, so the price has gone up a bit." The person said, holding out a bottle of purple liquid.

"That's totally fine, I have brought extra currency in case of emergency."

"Ok, good. I also have these pills, very good for a customer such as yourself."

"How high is the pricing for such goods?"

"They were relatively hard to make but I'll give them to you , $30 for a pack of 10."

"I think I may have enough, let me just check my purse." Kanaya said as she rummaged through her wallet.

She pulled out an $100 note, then passed it to the person.

"Thank you ma'am. Here is your, uh, drugs, I guess."

"Thank you very much, I am delighted to finally to have some more within my grasp, you can keep the change."

"Oh shit, thanks man."

"Good day," Kanaya then proceeded to walk out.

Kanaya knew drug dealers.


I began to follow her again, but she sharply cut a corner which almost made me lose sight of her. I quickly gazed down on her, but she was just standing there.

"Please come out, I can hear you on top of the roofs." She said, I then broke out into a sweat.

She knows I'm here, fuck fuck fuck.

"Come out now, or face consequences."

I should probably leav-"

I then heard something rev down there, almost as if she had a chainsaw.

"Come out before you, or anyone else gets hurt."

I was now afraid. She could hear me, and now she has a chainsaw. Well, sounded like a chainsaw. I'm not sure what she had.

"It's ok," I whispered, I then heard Kanaya gasp.

The revving stopped and I heard the taps of her shoes on the pavement.


"Don't take those pills,"


Who remembers when this bullshit was called 'when the leaves fall' lmao what the fuck.

If you remember you are now promoted to hella veteran reader.

Anyway I think you're like bat man or some shit, I don't know my superheroes.

Anyway have a good day whoop whoop.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now