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We ended up sitting next to each other in the waiting room, him holding my hands in anticipation. We had been waiting for at least 4 hours now, and no news on (F/n)'s state was to be found.

More information on the murder was found, but I couldn't bear the thoughts of (F/n) and, killing people on purpose.

I had become drowsy, due to my lack of sleep as of late. Dave obviously noticed and he told me he'd wake me up if a nurse came or something. I then went to sleep, probably not a very nice nap, with a nightmare or something ruining it.


"Hey." I heard a familiar voice whisper, I looked up sleepily. My eyes adjusted to the light, and focussed in on Dave's face. "A nurse is here." I turned to the man, he nodded at me.

"So, the girl you gave to us is luckily going to be okay. She's going to be hospitalised for a good 3 weeks however, but you can come in if you'd like." I stumbled over the chair getting up, Dave caught me however.

"Thank you." I whispered, exhausted. Why was I exhausted? Perhaps the lack of sleep, perhaps my best friend nearly died, either option was a possibility.

Dave walked with me to her room, us both guided by the nurse.

"The visiting hours go from 8am to 5pm, but since you've been waiting for a while, you can come in a little earlier. She's in here." He pointed to a door, and I opened it carefully. My eyes could see her hooked up to a machine, and her chest moving slowly up and down with each breath. I sighed, relief washing over me.

"How long is she in here for again?" I asked, forgetting nearly all the information he told me nearly 3 minutes ago.

"For about 3 weeks."

"Woah." Was all I could manage. I looked at her, she looked peaceful. I walked up to her, and pulled up a chair. I chose not to say anything, mainly because she wasn't awake. The nurse left, leaving myself and Dave with her.

"So." He started, and I looked up at him. "How bad was it?" I expected him to ask something else.

"She was bleeding... and she almost died, so, pretty fucking bad I guess." I mumbled, glancing at Dave. He pulled up a chair and sat near me.

"I feel bad for her."

"I do too."

"I apologise." I breathed in after hearing those words.

"Thank you." I sighed, and he looked at the door.

"You know, this whole ordeal really brings people together."

"By murder and uncontrollable emotions?"


"I guess you're right. I mean, I could've sworn I hated you like a day ago."

"See? Gotta love Strider logic."

"Yeah." I laughed faint heartedly.

"So, are you two a thing now or wh-"

"No! God no, this is the most inappropriate place to be asking that."

"You gotta lighten the mood slightly." Dave shrugged, grinning at me.

"I don't know how you manage that."

"Manage what."

"To be happy in when, when such terrible news is upon you."

"Practice you know. I find myself thinking shit like 'it could be worse!' in times of chaos. And I know that line is cliché as fuck, and it almost always turns on itself and ruins the thing even more, but it's the thought that counts."

"Such wise words."

"Dachilles, world famous philosopher. Was Achilles even a philosopher? No, no he wasn't. He was like, a warrior or some shit. Who's a famous philosopher."

"Uh, Aristotle?"

"Daristotle, world famous philosopher." He smirked, and looked at (F/n) again.

"She still likes you, you know."

"Yeah, but she made stupid mistake. Cheating on someone with them self is not, well, not ideal. I'll forgive her when I'm ready, but that ready isn't now."

"Fair enough." I sighed again, and looked at (F/n) too. "Thanks for staying here with me."

"What are friends for?"


"Where did that come from."

"I have no fucking idea but that word has been on my mind for a while. It's like your obsession with the word moist, like, blending."

"Blending." He repeated, and I nodded.

"It's peculiar as fuck, but, you know."

"I'm kind of scared to be your friend now, Karkat."


"You're gonna blend me, that shit's scary man."

"I'll need a massive blender for that."

"You can find all kinds of shit on Craigslist, Karkat."


Ok I haven't had wifi access for nearly 2 weeks and I'm in England but I'm surviving you know.

Okay that doesn't really matter but Welsh accents are my favourite. Like honestly, Wales is my favourite place.

WELSH CAKES ARE SO DELICIOUS! And Cardiff, so yeah. Wales man.

And I'm in Cumbria rn but this holiday so far has been absolutely fantastic and I definitely recommend the UK as a holiday destination.

Even if the plane ride from Australia is nearly 24 hours straight.

But yes, have a good day people.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now