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Why does everyone hate Vriska-baby? *sobs*


Of course I opened the door to see Dave, and he instantly smirked at me.

"Salutations!" He yelled, waving at me.

"Sup," I said, trying to act cool. It would be cool to do a personality swap wouldn't it? We walked closer to each other.

And then I heard a scream. I stopped walking towards Dave and I turned towards it and began to run, it sounded familiar.

I got to the edge of the building, and looked down into the dark black abyss. I could see a faint out line of two people, I then jumped down. Flying quietly down into the alleyway, I could see a bigger and more muscular figure hovering over a moderately tall and lanky woman.

Wait a second.

I took a step closer and almost gasped, it was Vriska. Ok I have to save this bitch right now.

I called out to the bigger guy, an he turned to look at me. His rotting brown teeth forming a grin, and a knife in his hand.

Deaths circled around his face, and I circled in on one. It showed him falling down into... Some kind of pit? Pi- oh fUCK!

He lunged at me, and I dodged just in time.

"Jesus Christ man, you almost killed me." I taunted, drawing the man away from her. I looked at her and hinted at her to run, in which she understood very clearly and left in a matter of seconds. I heard footsteps hit the pavement behind me, I glanced at the figure and it was Dave. "Fuck," I whispered, looking back at the man.

"And now she's got away, what a fucking SHAME! Now I guess it's gonna have to be you, little girl."

"Oho, you did not just call me little girl. Did you hear that Dave?" I asked him, Dave nodded and I grinned. "I'm more man than you'll ever be,"

"You wanna test that theory?" He hissed, and I nodded.

"Let's fucking go," I growled, he then lunged at me a second time. I tried to do the death thing again, which actually worked. The circle of deaths appeared again and I looked at one more.

A bin, what? How is that fatal? I could give it a g- another lunge, and he hit my arm. Blood started pouring from the wound and I bit my lip.

"What was that for?!" Dave yelled at him, grabbing a piece of pipe which was conveniently lying around. Dave lunged at him, and I quickly ran over to a bin. It was the only bin in sight, so it'll have to do.

"Hey!" I yelled, but he didn't look at me. He kept lunging at Dave with the knife. Blood was dripping everywhere and I started feeling faint. Ok, I have to do this no- oh man. I looked at the bin and back at the man, what was fatal about a bi-

The contents.

I grinned and pulled off the lid, and looked into a black plastic bag.

Heaps of glass, and something else. Wha- oh, just a half eaten burger. Welp, glass it is. Grabbing a handful, which also cut my hand. Ok that was an insanely bad decision I'm already losing too much blood. I ran at the man, stabbing the shards into his back. He yelped in pain and turned to me, his eyes looked as if a crack head and a crying toddler had mixed together. My eyes widened as he ran at me again, and fuck all this exercise was getting tiring. I tried to run out of the way, but he stabbed me again, this time in the leg.

"Dav-" I tried to yell, but I was thrown into a wall. Everything was bleeding, and now I'm pretty sure I had a concussion. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I tried to say something, but my voice wasn't working. Fuck fuck fuc- well this was rather stupid of me. I overestimated my power and took this fucker on, haha I should've let her die.

But no, my duty as fucking batman or some shit got in the way and now I'm dying. I heard yelling from Dave, and I tried to get up from the wall. More yelling, the words were distant but audible.

"Get the fucking knife!" I looked up at Dave, he had the man pinned down. He had his nose and mouth covered.. He was suffocating him. I slowly looked around for the knife and eventually located it next to a dumpster. I tried to run over to it, but I tripped over and scraped my knee. Oh come on.. More blood loss.. Great! Ha..ha.. I tried to get up, but my legs decided to fuck over and they just weren't working.

"Oh come on you pieces of shit! Sure you're close to death... But, but I should at least save the day." I tried giving myself a motivational speech, but it wasn't working. Too much blood loss, I couldn't do it.

"You can do it! Just get the fucking knife (F/n-" Everything then went quiet. I could do this, right? No, probably no- Oh please (F/n) pull yourself together, you've died before it wasn't that bad! Just get the knife! I hissed at myself and got up, my knees wobbling. Noises came back and I jogged over to the knife. I picked it up, and I began to pant. Fuck, fuck... Ok you can do this.

I ran over to the man, and his eyes widened.

"Sorry.. Mister... You've.. Oh fuck this shit, I'm never talking to... To you again." I placed the knife at his heart, and I slowly plunged it into his skin.

Wait, what? It went deeper, and I froze. I'm killing someone.

I'm killing someone.

I'm a murdere- I stopped and crawled away, my eyes wide with fear. I looked at Dave and he looked angry. He grabbed the knife and stabbed it deep, pulling it out and repeating the process two more times.

The mans body went limp, and I started to scream. Dave looked at me and ran over, he placed his hand on my shoulder but I pushed it away.

"We killed someone!" I yelled, blood still seeping from my wounds. "We're murderers! I can't live with thi-"

"Yes you can," Dave whispered, covering my mouth with his hand. It was damp with blood. He had grown serious, and not funny or cool anymore, he was scary. "You do not speak of this ever again," Dave hissed, and I nodded.

I then felt tingly, as if I was getting transporte-

"I'm taking you to a hospital," Dave whispered as we appeared in another alleyway, but with no dead body.


I said that Vriska was going to die but then a majority of you started celebrating so I fucked that idea and decided to let her live. Like for now that is, idk if I gonna kill her some other time but it's a possibility.

So, yeah. I liked writing this chapter.. Killing things is fun to write.. Haha.

But anyway, have a good day!

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now