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Daves POV:

It had nearly been two days since I sent (F/n) to that, place. I should go and check on her, then I could catch up with the mayor too. So I did the timey shit, and went to that timeline.

At first, my vision was blurred. But then they adjusted and my eyes focused on a dead Mayor.

My breath hitched as I walked up to his stiff body, I carefully picked him up. His limp arm dropped a can he was holding, and I had to have a moment. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, and then opened them again.

Who the fuck, would kill an adorable little Mayor? Who in their right mind would do that? I sighed, realising that he couldn't be saved. So I placed him down on the floor, and began looking for (F/n).

There were so many rooms, and it took a couple of hours to actually find my way back into the original room I was in.

I now had a few questions.

How the hell did the Mayor even get in here, like what.

And where the shit is (F/n), I have explored a large portion of this maze. And these weird whispering voices a were starting to tick me off, it sounded like they were saying 'labyrinth,' and 'metal,'.

What the fuck does that mean.

Who knows, but I needed to find her fast. Hopefully she hadn't met the same fate as the Mayor.


I had been searching for at least 5 hours now, and this shit was getting weird. Where could she had gone? It's not like she could navigate to somehow find her way to the surface-

And she probably did just that.

She is unbelievably smart, and from what she's done she's got pretty good directional senses.

Ugh, god damnit (F/n).

I was then left to keep looking, she would have to pop up somewhere.


Awuargh, this chick better be grateful that I took the time out of my day to do thi-

Wait shit.

I had just opened the hatch to another room, which had some kind of quest bed in it. There was red blood on it, meaning that something must've happened here.

My eyes scanned the room, until my eyes attached onto a small green figure in the corner. I instantly started to walk up to it, and then pulled out one of my shitty ass swords.

Gotta be safe.

I continued walking up to the figure, until I was right behind it. I then tapped it on the shoulder, I felt it tense up under my touch.

I stepped back slightly, as I saw it turn around to face me. My eyes widened as I saw the face of (F/n), my face instantly softened into one of affection

Her eyes just widened and quickly turned her head away, forcefully grabbing at her face with her hands.

I kneeled down and tried to pry her hands away from her face, they were gonna tear the skin soon.

She was shaking, and I placed my sunglasses on top of my head. Maybe this would help with this, heartwarming reunion.

I leaned into her vision, in hopes of her recognising me. But she just turned away from me, her eyes still wide.

"Hey," I said softly, did she not recognise me?

"Hey, it's me. Dave," I said, she then shakily nodded. Well, at least she could understand me.

"Are you ok?" I asked, she then just at there. Her hands shaking like crazy, and her eyes averted from my face.

Readers POV:

I can't look at him, I can't.

Why was he here, why was he doing this. I felt unbelievably scared, and now I couldn't even look at a person.

I had literally just been stabbed to death, then somehow resurrected. And in these weird ass pyjamas too, it looked like some green dress with a curly hood.

And with these fancy robes, came these visions.

I couldn't look at a person without seeing a billion ways of how they die, and Dave was a example of that.

I couldn't look at him, otherwise I would see images of his dead body. Some stabbed, some hung. You name it, he could somehow die that way.

I couldn't even look at myself without these visions coming, and I was petrified. I had taken to staring at the wall, which left me hearing the words 'labyrinth,' and 'metal,'. Why, what do they mean? This place seemed like a metal labyrinth to be honest, so maybe they were hinting at the place I was i-

More visions, and I turned my face a way from Dave. I couldn't say anything, because my voice hadn't been working since I've been resurrected. But seriously, it's gotta work soon.


I tried to cough, and that just came out a a disgruntled whisper. So I just closed my eyes, no more visions of that shit face next to me.

"I love you," I heard from a voice beside me, and I didn't know how to reply. I didn't feel flustered, nor happy about him saying that. What was I meant to feel, could I even feel anymore.

I don't know.

In the end, I just nodded my head. Surely my voice was meant to resurrect too? Or was I meant to have the voice of a dead girl, what am I anymore.

I felt arms around me, and I just sat there. Was I supposed to return the embrace? Because to do that I would probably have to open my eyes, so that my hands wouldn't go anywhere inappropriate on accident.

Accident, yeah totally. I knew that I had feelings for this asshole, so using that term was probably a fucking lie.

So, I just breathed in. Accepting the hug, as if it was a gift.


Can I just say that I'm obsessed with Panty and Stocking right now, like bruh. I want to marry Panty.

Anyway, how's that for some character development. Yeah, you got your own god tier.


Fucking fancy, I love seer's. I want to cosplay Rose at some point, but I've already got like ten Homestuck cosplays.

So that's a no.

Anyway, hope you have a good day.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now