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I'm bleeding out, and I'm pretty sure fainting is the next step in this process.

But I can't fucking faint! That'll be a major hassle for Dave.. I guess I can't really help that I'm pretty close to death or something.

Too bad for Dave, if he's gotta carry around a corpse then so be it.

"Dave.. Holy shi-"

"If you die I'm going to kill you,"

"Killing something that's already dead? I fail to.. To see your logic,"

"Oh my god the fucking hospital is just around the corner,"

"An... And I might die before we get there... So what."

"Do you honestly not fucking care?"

"Well, it'll be better for my friends... Maybe? I don't know... This death shit is confusing.."

"Ok, we're almost there. I can see it in the distance,"


"You're honestly not helping,"

"Corpses aren't meant to help, they're meant to.. To rot and decay.."

"Ok we're like ten meters away!" Dave sounded happy, yet distressed. Well, I wouldn't blame him for sounding distressed... I mean, I'm close to death..


Blood loss is often a cause of death..



Time skip:

White.. Light?

What the fuck?

I slowly leaned forward, and an excruciating pain almost.. Oh, I don't know, zapped through me? It was fucking painful that's all I'm saying.

Wincing, I saw the figure of a boy.

"Hey," he sounded like Dave.

"D-Dave..." I mumbled, smiling to myself. "I guess I'm alright?"

"Shame you didn't die.. Passed out for a bit though,"

"Shame I didn't die? Oh please, your life would be a bore without me."

"I guess so, I mean, I just killed a guy with you."

"Oh, yeah.. Wait, isn't there like.. Cameras or something in here?"

"Probably, but we're going to be fine.. Don't worry."

"I wasn't really worried, I was kinda.. Like, oh fuck. We're gonna get in shit with the popo."




"I love you,"

"You can't love m-"

"Say what you like, I don't care... Hey, come here for a second.." I gestured for Dave to come closer, he cautiously leaned forward.

I then gently grabbed his cheek and kissed him. Pulling away, I smiled warmly at him.

"Thanks, for... Oh I don't know, thanks for existing."

"No problem," Dave replied with as I grinned at him, I then yawned. Another sharp pain, and I winced a second time.

"Fuck.." I yawned again. Tired.. "I'm done, haha.." I then fell immediately into a deep sleep.

Dave's POV:

Oh my god.

Was I honestly going to do this?

No, I couldn't..

Oh my fucking shit the fact that I'm infatuated with her isn't helping!

She couldn't love me! She had another Dave, oh my god I should never had messed with this bloody timeline! And it was a fucking accident too..

Arugh! I'm such a dumbass what the fuck is wrong with me?!

Time skip:

The nurses said she would have to stay overnight, and I agreed. She had like... 3 stab wounds?

Fuckin savage.

But I had to leave after hours, an I had no idea what to do. I could go back and clean up the body..?


I'll keep that idea in mind.


Time skip:

In the end, I decided to clean up the body. I assumed no one ha found it, and went straight over. Yep, nobody.

Ok, how was I going to get away with this..

Ok, I'll take the body to another timeline. Yes, because that shit always works and that's the greatest thing I can think of right now.

I walked over to the body, and picked it up.

Fuck it was heavy, but that didn't matter. I stepped into another timeline, and dropped the body. If someone sees me drop a fucking body in an alleyway in going to fucking laugh.

Oh man, that would be priceless. I stepped back into (F/n)'s original timeline again, and then looked at all the blood.

Ok, may as well clean it up!

I decided to go to the closest store, and picked up some bleach and sponges.

That shit will get rid of blood, right? Well shit, I've never had to deal with this stuff before.

Welp, it's a first time for everything. I poured some bleach on the floor, and began to scrub.

Time skip:

I decided to go back to my original timeline, and mess around there for a bit. Nothing really happened, but my mind kept wandering to what just fucking happened.

I killed someone, and I honestly couldn't care less.

Like, if anything, it was kind of enjoyable.. Just, it felt weird.

I don't like this, I should tell someone.

No, I can't.. I'd get arrested! Haha, not like it'd matter, I could just time-shit out of there.

Jesus fucking Christ I am a criminal.


Wattpad has no chill with the fuckin updates like make up your mind.

There was so many time skips in this chapter! Mainly because I couldn't think of shit, but if you can see where this is going I applaud you.

But nothing really happened this chapterrr, hopefully more story development next chapter! Something is going to go down, which I've wanted to write for the longest time.

But good night y'all.


W/e I don't care anymore.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now