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It's called nightmares for a fucking reason lmao.

I woke up, my breath hitching. I thought I had woken up, I thought it was real.

They're coming back, the nightmares that is.

Who the fuck was that, it seemed like Gamzee. It looked like Gamzee to start off with, then it went weird. He had shit growing out of his hea-

"Good morning," I heard from beside me, and I almost had a heart attack. I looked over and saw Dave, and my vision instantly clouded. Closing my eyes, I huffed.

"Dude, this isn't fucking twilight or some shi-" and I stopped mid sentence.

This was exactly like my dream, i then began to freak out.

"Dave, you have to get me out of here." I said clearly, Dave sighing.

"I took you here for a reason, and that was so you don't get killed."

"I had a nightmare, Dave. And I'm afraid it's becoming true," I said desperately, my breathing becoming rapid.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it gently caressed my shoulder.

"It's not real," he said, and I frowned.

"This isn't like before, I can see stuff now. And this is gonna turn out with me dying, help me." I said in a pleading voice, I then heard Dave sigh.

"Where the fuck would I take you," he said, I then shrugged.

"Anywhere, just not here. Gamzee's here,"

"The bloody fuck, Gamzee's here? How high are yo-"

"I'm serious oh my god," I yelled, my hands grabbing at my hair.

"Karkat, what'd you think?" Dave asked Karkat, I knew he'd be here.

"I think that you should do whatever the fuck (F/n) wants because she's been exciled to this metallic grey robot genital we call a timeline," he hissed, I then grinned hopefully.

"Where would you go," he asked, I then groaned.

"ANYWHERE! I don't give a flying fuck where I go, just not HERE."

"I could probably take her, if you don't want to." Dave said to Karkat, I then heard some footsteps on the metal floor.

"Why the fuck would I want her," Karkat said, walking around in a circle. Presumably that is, it sounded like that.


"OK," Karkat cut in, leaving Dave to not finishing that sentence.

"So you'll take her?" Dave asked, I then heard Karkat groan.

"I don't fucking care, just as long as she's safe."

"Aw that's cute," I said, smirking.

"Fuck off, you're teasing your possible caretaker for the time being."

"Does that mean you won't keep me? Am I like a dog or somethin-"

"Oh my fucking god," he yelled, walking off somewhere.

"Oh shit," I said, leaving just Dave and I in the room. I heard Dave sigh as he got off his current seat.

"I'll go get him," he murmured, starting to walk off somewhere. But before he could leave I desperately grabbed out for something that was attached to him, which lead to me falling off the bed.

"Yo, what the fuck." Dave said, turning back around and helping me back up.

"Don't leave me here you ass," I hissed, I could practically hear Dave smirk at that comment.

"Ok, ok. Calm down," he murmured, grabbing my hand and beginning to walk off. I stumbled slightly but soon regained my ability to walk, days of not moving from the one spot is bad for your legs.


We had been walking for a while, and I didn't know where the shit Karkat had went. Dave had called out a few times, but to no avail.

I was starting to become worried, but that's when I began hearing the faint yelling of an angry teenager.

An angry teenager meaning Karkat Vantas.

"KARKAT YOU SHIT!" I yelled, but the yelling continued. Getting louder and louder by the second.

After a bit, we could manage to actually make out a few of the words. His current vocabulary wasn't exactly the greatest, and it meant he was saying 'fuck' about 5 times in a period of 3 seconds.

We could now hear the words clearly, and the echo of his footsteps on the metal floor.

But then they stopped abruptly, along with the words.

We could make out a figure in the distance, and it was on its knees.

We got closer and soon realised it was Karkat.

We got closer, until we were so close we could hear him muttering self derogatory remarks.

I slowly opened my eyes, and peeled my body away from Dave's. I quietly muttered a quick 'Thank you' before walking over to Karkat.

I kneeled down beside him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched slightly, and instantly shut his mouth.

"Go away," he murmured.

"Fuck no, if you're having a mental breakdown I'm not gonna let you have it on your own."


You all thought you were dead omfg.

But nah.

And I need to get to the Dave shit, or we could go to Karkat first I guess.


Have a good day, maniacal laughter.

(*Whispers* I wrote this at like 4:30 in the morning so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense, sleep isn't going well for me these days ;w;)

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now