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We hurriedly walked into the foyer of the apartment block, then up the stairs.

"How the shit did you even break it,"

"Well I dropped it down the stairs, duh."

"You're a lot more calm about this than I thought you'd be,"

"I'm burning up with rage on the inside,"

"I can't believe you said that with a straight face,"

"Let's move off this topic," he said monotonously, we then walked in silence for a bit.

"Ahm, how's school..?"

"You did not just ask that,"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to ask you."

"How's life?"

"Pretty chill,"

"What were you doing outside?"


"What kind of stuff?" Fuckkkk. I broke out into a cold sweat and chuckled nervously.

"Haha, I don't know. I wanted some fresh ai-" I was cut off with his face directly in front of mine, his hands either side of my face.

"Tell me," he whispered, I then started to freak out. Fuck what was I gonna say, I can't tell him the truth.

"I don't know!" I yelled, a worried smile on my face. I could see Dave's eyes squint in suspicion behind his sunglasses.

"Why are you so secretive!" He sighed, letting go of the wall behind me and placing a hand on his chin. "Like you have a random tablet now, why didn't you tell me you bought one. Or why aren't you talking to me about this bullshi-"

"Maybe cause you're not fit to know,"

"Oh please I'm always ready for those pulchritudinous words of yours,"

"You sure about that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.


"I don't think you are,"

"Oh my god (F/n)," Dave groaned, grabbing my forearms. "Why must you hurt me this way?"

"I don't know, I feel like it."

"You're so frustrating,"

"I try,"

Dave then groaned again, grabbing my hand and walking up the stairs again.

Time skip:

We were sitting in his room, watching the TV. Nothing was on, so we had resulted to watching the news.

Dave's head was in my lap, and I was concentrating hard on the TV.

Something 'scandalous' about a celebrity or something was on, and it wasn't very interesting to be honest. But the celebrity scandal had been quickly flicked off and onto something about a drug overdose.

"A young youth has been found in an apartment block, presumably dead." The TV announcer stated clearly. "A woman, claiming to be her girlfriend, has said to find her partners corpse in the bathroom."

A picture then appeared on the screen, and my heart nearly stopped.

A picture of Kanaya was on the television.

Kanaya, the girl I had a conversation with nearly 40 minutes ago.


This couldn't be happening.

No, I had a duty, I had to save her. I've failed, I've failed.

"(F/n)," a faint voice said, faint. Gone, she's gone. Gon-

"(F/n)!" Shouting.

Lots of shouting, father. Gone. Mother, gone. Gone. Lost.

"(F/n)!" Yelling again.


I then snapped out of that trance. Dave was shaking me violently, my cheeks were damp, I couldn't feel anything.

"(F/n)! Oh my go-"

"I am, here." I whispered, my eyes looking down.

"Look, Kanayas ok, she's o-"

"She's gone, just like everyone else."

"No, don't think th-"

"She's gone."

"No don-"

"Gone, Dave."

I hadn't realised it, but Dave was crying. His arms had given up shaking me and he just sunk into my lap.

"I'm so sorry," Dave choked out.

"It's not your fault,"

"Whose is it then?"



"Yes, can't you see? I'm a seer of doom, I should've seen this coming, I should've saved her, I couldn't save her, I didn't save her!"


"I'm sorry for being a failure!"

Karkats POV:



I'm broken.

I can't handle this.

Someone help me.


Tears had been flowing for a while now, and my hands were stained with them. I had been sitting in silence for a while, tears steadily flowing down my face as the news article went on.

Kanaya was my best friend, she was there for me.

We talked at school today!

"Good Afternoon, Karkat!"

Final words, I'm sorry Kanaya. I'm not having a good afternoon. I'm having the worst fucking afternoon in all possible existence.

Why did you leave me.


Haha FUCK this was late.

But at least I actually got it done and didn't procrastinate (as per usuAL).

I'm tired and I've got to walk 12k tomorrow! Staying up till 12 probably wasn't a good idea! Haha! Kill me now.

But yeah, the death of Kanaya has been brought upon us.

Ohh nooo!

Yee Terezi gon be next, probs. idk, that's the way I'm goin lmao, hemospectrummmm.

Yeah I'm gonna go to sleep now, or write another update, *shrugs* HAVE A GOOD DAY GUYS!!

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now