Chapter 1- Get sheet faced

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The next day was Halloween and although Willow could tell Max wouldn't be that excited by the prospect of dressing up like she used to, she still helped Willow apply her makeup for the party.

They sat together on Willow's bed in her new cramped room, huddled together as Max steadily applies powder to her older sister's cheeks, the sound of Billy's loud music bleeding through their connecting walls.

"You have to be safe, this town I'm not sure how I feel about it..." Max worries as she continues to lightly brush Willow's soft skin.

Once she's done applying the pale tint Willow calmly responds. "Max, I'm fine don't worry about me. What about you, how are those friends doing?" She tries to deflect, yet the younger girl immediately recognises her tactic.

"Low, I'm serious..." Max looks at her not breaking eye contact looking for some sort of agreement. Willow nods knowing no words can comfort her instead pulling her in for a hug, the pair holding onto each other tightly.

The hug lasts until Max becomes suffocated by Willow's hair pulling away giggling, trying to get the taste of hairspray and perfume out of her mouth with a cough as they both laugh.

They both settle down, the older sister bringing Max at arm's length before pulling away and rifling through her bag. "Come on, it's time for the blood." Willow evilly grins holding up the tube of fake blood to complete her costume.

The night started with yet another argument as usual. Which ended in Willow forcing Max and Billy into her car not trusting Billy to be able to stay sober enough the whole night to be able to drive home safely.

"Stay safe Max, be home before 10, I'll be asking your mom!" Willow shouts out of the window before speeding off again. Willow was already ready to get the night over after dropping off Max, not keen on spending too much time away from the redhead. But maybe the Hargrove siblings would be able to revert to their old selves at this party, even if it was just for this night.

Making the final turn into the road already littered with teenagers jumping out of cars, Willow takes a glance over to Billy. Watching as he gently reaches his hand out the window, feeling the wind between his fingers.

"I'm being serious Billy. Don't you dare pass out drunk, I'm not dragging you home again, if you do I'm leaving your body for the wolves." Willow strictly states as she finally parks, the both of them making their way out of the car into the dark night only illuminated by the bright house currently blasting music.

"Ok, Mom." Billy cruelly jokes, slamming her car door shut. Turning to leave behind the startled girl who holds back her scream when she notices the eyes of others already falling on her. Steadily taking a shaky breath she takes a cigarette out of her purse, lighting it to take a quick break from the already awful night.

Willow turns back around to the car, tempted to just leave, yet she fights against the urge instead choosing to turn back around to lock the car before securely placing the keys in her bra at a safe angle. Throwing the bud away, she makes her way into the crowded house, glancing around her eyes falling upon her older brother, immediately rolling her eyes when she see's Billy on his way to the keg already.

Willow turns to walk the opposite way from the crowd currently cheering his name, desperate to get some fresh air and another smoke. Manoeuvring herself around the drunk people shouting slurred compliments about her costume her eyes instead falling onto the awkwardly posed Robin clutching onto her cup by herself in the empty kitchen.

"Hey!" Willow shouts startling the poor girl as she flinches back against the fridge to which Willow can only lightly laugh.

"Don't worry I don't bite, although it is Halloween... Maybe I should start?" Willow smiles revealing her elongated canines which match her bloody outfit, causing Robin to nervously laugh, desperately trying to bring her attention away from the lips she was trying not to lean into.

˚✧₊⁎Dream Girl⁎⁺˳✧༚ -Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now