Saturday 3.12

41 8 20

519 words

"Harry!" I shot around and looked at the man in front of me in surprise. I noticed that Harry had changed a lot... His black curly hair were put up in a messy bun and his skin was slightly tannend. And I could see some more scars in his face.  Ron and Blaise smirked at me. "Uhm... You wanna have something to drink? I started to make hot chocolate..." I asked after a while of silence. "Sure, why not?" 

He sat down at one of the tables and I quickly finished the hot chocolate. When he was finished I saw that Hermione, Pansy, Luna and Ginny entered the cafe. I placed Harry's cup on the counter to put in some marshmallows. "What? You two are pregnant?" Ah, that was how I reacted too when Hermione and Pansy told me that they were pregnant. Well, Hermione was pregnant, but it was to be expected since they had been together for two years now. You couldn't see a baby bump, but you could definitely tell that she was pregnant by how she acted.

I had put a bit too much mini marshmallows and cream in the hot chocolate and stumbled as I brought him the chocolate. 

I was about to fall when someone catched me.

Harry held me by my shoulders facing me. "Are you ok?" he asked and I had to swallow -Damn he looked good in this light- 

I knew I was gay for a while now, I mean I was never interested in girls while we were at Hogwarts and that hadn't changed but I was completely sure now. 'But Harry? Draco he's not gay. Don't give yourself false hopes! But what if he's bi or pa-'

"Darco?" He asked again. "Oh- mhm. I'm fine." He had been holding me the whole time and now stood in front of me awkwardly. I heated Blaise whistle. "Blaise, shut it! I'm sorry Harry... Since Ron and he got together they act so childish..."

"You two are together?!" He went over to Ron and hit him on his shoulder playfully. I followed him and when he sat down again I gave him his hot chocolate. I also sat down beside him and Blaise whistled again. I glared at him.

We talked a bit and then some customers came into the coffee shop, so I had to get up. I went to the counter and served them. 

"Oh, shi-!" I heard Harry say. I looked over to him and saw that he had spilled some of the chocolate over his light hoodie. I rushed to my locker where I had some changing-clothes. I brought him my t-shirt which was emerald green and he looked at me a little confused. "I thought you wanna change into something while I'm trying to get rid of that stain. But you can sit here naked too... I wouldn't mind..." I mumbled the last bit and hoped he didn't here it. But he blushed and grabbed the t-shirt.

Hope you had a nice day! Here the daily compliment/quote ;-*

❧❆☙May you never be to grown uo to search the skies on Christmas Eve❧❆☙

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