Wednesday 14.12

26 6 12

512 words

I subconsciously counted the days until Friday and just as I was cleaning a table I caught myself rejoicing about the fact that it was only one days left until bar night. 

I was alone at the café and there were no customers. No wonder, I was about to close the café anyway.

'All I Want for Christmas Is You' started to play and I sang along while I dancing around and sweeping the floor. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice someone entering the café. I finally noticed the person as they cleared their throat. 

I turned on my heal and Harry sat there on a chair watching me. I blushed and quickly turned down the volume of the music "Since when are you here?"

"Not that long. For about three minutes maybe." He said "Ho was your day?" I put the broom away and also sat down facing him. "Pretty ok. And you?" Harry shrugged "I was busy with work and stuff.

But I actually came here to surprise you with something. Do you have time now? Well... I would say you have no choice but I think it's more polite if I ask first." I grinned at him and raised an eyebrow. "It depends..."

"Its a surprise." He sat up and got to the door. "Are you coming or not?" I followed him "Ok..."

I took my jacket and put it on. He opened the door for me and I went out. It was raining and I had forgotten my umbrella so I pulled my hood down over my face. 

Harry closed the door and pulled out his own umbrella. He opened it and held it over my head while scooping closer to me so the rain wouldn't hit him either. "Thanks." I mumbled. 

The raindrops made a relaxing sound every time they hit the umbrella and I breathed in the cold and clear air. 

"So where do we go now?" I asked him and looked him in the eyes but didn't expect us to be so close so I blushed. -I hope he wasn't able to see that in the dark...-

"You will see." He grinned at me and we started walking. 

We walked through the city and and I was stunned how beautiful it was decorated for Christmas with fairy lights and Christmas trees. There were also hanging some mistletoes hanging here and there at the doors.

We past a bar and I was able to hear some jazz music wich was playing inside. It was a version of 'Let it snow' and I hummed the melody automatically.

It seemed like it started to snow and rain now and big drops and flakes hit the umbrella. Harry handed me the umbrella and took a few quick steps forward. He turned and looked at the sky while his hair got completely wet. He also started humming and I had to smile. 

He looked so adorable and harmless as he was doing these little pirouettes in the snowy rain. That was the moment I realised how much he actually meant to me. 

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