Saturday 17.12

19 4 5

480 words

It was Friday. That Friday I waited for since what felt like an eternity.

I had gone shopping with Blaise the day before yesterday and we both had found something really sexy/classy but also something that was giving off Christmas vibes at the same time.

I was at the café taking the last orders before closing. Well, actually I waited for Blaise to arrive so he could prepare the bar night. I then could finally head home and change into my 'party' clothes.

The last customers left and no Blaise was to be seen. I checked my phone but he hadn't  messaged me or something. I was getting more nervous any minute that passed by. The bar night would start in one hour and I wanted to be ready by then.

Just as I was about to call Blaise he entered the café with Ron. "Sorry I had to pick him up and he wasn't ready." He apologised and I just nodded. "It's ok. The main thing is that you are here now. And that I can leave." I took my umbrella and coat wich I put on. "See you later Draco!" "Bey Dray!" Blaise waved and I left.

I opened my umbrella and rushed home. 

I didn't like Apparating because it felt horrible. Just like being forced through a very tight rubber tube. It wasn't really comfortable so I preferred walking. And I enjoyed the silence sometimes when I could walk home. It was a nice way to switch off from work.

I was halfway when I got a call from Blaise. "What's up Blaise?" "I forgot to buy some eggnog. Can you bring some when you come back?" The rain was hitting the umbrella and made loud noises. "Sure, how many? How many people are even coming?" The raindrops got bigger and the wind was blowing them aside so they flew right into my face. "I don't know. Just bring two bottles. We also have some wine and beer here. I think that's enough." I had to speak a bit louder. "Ok then. See you!"

I entered my apartment and closed the door behind me. I quickly took off my clothes, threw them aside and took a quick refreshing shower. Before I blow dried my hair I checked my phone. I just had a half our left to change and go back. -shit... I also had to buy the eggnog on the way-

I put on my clothes. 

I wore dark green high waist trousers with a black see through tie shirt. (I kind of imagine Harry Style's outfit from the Met Gala 2019) I then quickly styled my hair and put on some rings before slipping into my black dress shoes. I grabbed my phone and the keys from the sideboard and put on my coat.  

I then went to the next grocery store to buy the eggnog before heading directly to the café.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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