Sunday 4.12

33 7 17

405 words

"Where can I change?" I grinned at him and answered "The bathroom is in this direction." I pointed to the right and he got up to go there. He thanked me while he past me and I followed him. I looked back at all our friends, who sat at the table.

These snakes!

They all grinned at me and Blaise winked at me "Get him, Dragon!" "Really Blaise, get a life!" I then quickly went after Harry who already were in the bathroom. When I entered, I already saw his hoodie lying on the washbasins. I picked it up, got something to clean from the kitchen and went back to the bathroom. 

When I opened the door I looked at Harry in my t-shirt, wich matched his eyecolor perfectly. He was trying to tame his hair and I recognized that the shirt was a little bit to big. 'Hah, I was still taller them him!... But he kinda looked cute in it...'

I cleared my throat and quickly looked at his hoodie. 'Right... I wanted to clean this...' I got over to the washbasins and started pouring some hot water over the brown stain. "So, Draco. You have a café and an own apartment? You changed a lot didn't you?" "Well... yeah kinda... But whats with you? What did you do all these years?"

I looked up to him and saw that he was now looking at me. "I'm wor-"

"Hey guys! If you're not fucking right now, can you come?" The bathroom door opened and a grinning Blaise looked at us. I glared at him and Harry just casually answered "Just finished. What's up?" Blaise raised an eyebrow "Hermione and Pansy want to announce something. I don't know. And Draco? You have to tell me every little detail off it later!" He winked and before I could respond anything he was gone. "Prat! So this should be ready now. It just has to dry."

"Thank you!" I gave Harry his hoodie and our hands briefly touched. I felt the heat rising up my cheeks, looked at Harry and saw that he raised an eyebrow while smiling as if he was amused by my reaction.

I glared at him just like I used to 5 years ago with my still perfect Malfoy-glare™ (available at your local Walmart) and opened the door. He laughed "How I missed that look!" And I had to laugh too. We then left the bathroom.

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