Monday 5.12

31 7 6

641 words

When we arrived at our table Hermione and Pansy were standing and the black haired witch was holding a cup up in the air. Harry sat down and I asked "What are you doing with that cup? If you're going to make a toast or something I can get you a glass, Pans." 

"That would be great... Thanks Draco." I quickly got to the counter and got the glass. I gave it to her. She hit it gently with a teaspoon and then said "So, err... Hermione and I decided to move together cause-" She pointed at the brown-haired belly bump. I had to smile and she continued "It was a difficult decision for us but we both agreed and now we have a house!"

"Great!" Harry stood up and hugged both girls followed by Ron, Blaise and me.Some of the customers looked up and they looked a bit flustered. Even Pansy the sass queen! 

Then some people entered café and I got to the counter. Blaise followed me and we took the order. He got some pastries while I made them their drinks. Harry, the girls and Ron came over when the witches and wizards were gone.

"We wanted to ask if you guys would like to visit us when we finished moving in?" "Sure! Why not?" Ron asked and I looked up from cleaning a table next to them. We agreed and Harry asked "When are you planing to move in? Shouldn't we help you with the furniture? And what is with painting the walls ans stuff?" 

"Harry... You still forget that we can use magic don't you?!" Hermione laughed. "Is the weekend after next fine with you?" "Yeah, I have time." I said and Ron answered for him and Blaise "We too, right?" 

"Yup, we don't have any plans for then." He said I looked over to Harry who didn't answer yet. He looked down at his phone and then up to Hermione after he briefly looked at me. 

"Ok... I have a meeting on Saturday morning but after that I have time." 

I saw Blaise raising an eyebrow "What for a meeting? Has it with that look you gave Draco to do?" He grinned and punched me on my shoulder. "Ouch, what was that for?! And Blaise.. Thats our first time seeing each other after the... you know." 

I have had nightmares since the war about loosing my friends and family and Blaise was the only one who knew. He also knew that I dreamed of loosing Harry a couple of times. That's why he thought I could have a crush on the chosen one but I denied it. 

"If it's so important for you to know, I have a meeting with one of my clients." "Clients?" Ron asked now. "Yeah Harry. You didn't even tell us what your work is. So?"

"That's a topic for next time. I have to go Sorry." And with that he grabbed his jacket. "Wait! You cant just leave us with that!" Hermione walked after him and tried to stop him. "Sorry guys, but I got a message from my new landlord. My apartment is ready." 

I heard Ron gasp. "And you don't invite us to come with you? You're just having a drink with us and dint even tell us that sou have an apartment and what you're job is? I'm really glad to be you're friend mate!" Blaise and Pansy laughed. I smiled. 

'Ron was right... He Hans changed a bit!'  "Ok? So you wanna join me? But I can tell you its not going to be very spectacular..." They all agreed except me. I still had to be at the coffee shop. 

"Bey Draco!" And with that they all left. I waved after them and got a broom to clean the floor. 

'What a crazy day' I thought and smiled.

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