Friday 16.12

18 5 11

582 words

We ate in silence for some time and then he asked me "Do you want to watch a movie? Maybe a Christmas movie?" I just looked at him with a questioning look. -A movie?- 

"What's that?" I said and put my fork aside. "What do you mean? You don't know what a movie is?" I shook my head "Blaise, Ron, Pansy and Hermione had asked me some time ago if I wanted to go with them to watch a movie. But I thought it was kind of a thing that you do as couples so I denied. I swear I don't know what a movie is!" 

He grinned at me. "Well a movie is a long video wich you watch on the TV." I nodded but still looked at him questioning. "A video is like... like the pictures in The Daily Prophet but longer and with audio." "Ah ok. And a TV is...?"

He smirked and just stood up to walk over to the table under the black mirror to get something that looked like a small black box with may buttons. He pushed the red one on the top and nothing happened.

He sat back on the couch and stared at the black mirror. I did the same and just after a second or so the glass, or what ever it was, changed to something that looked a bit like my handy homescreen. "Wow!"

He snickered and put the box aside. Harry made a gesture to the 'big handy'. "That is a TV! Every muggle has one of these at home to watch movies, the news, series or even play games." 

I was stunned the second time this evening and just put my plate aside. "So?" He asked and looked expectant at me. "The meal was delicious!" 

"Thank you! But I don't mean the food. Do you want to watch a movie now? If you're still hungry I could get some snacks and more wine...?" Harry asked and I agreed. "Ok but how long does this movie go? I just want to know what I have to expect." 

"Movies are about 1 to 3 hours normally. I think the movie I have in mind goes 1 hour and half." I nodded and he pushed some more buttons on the box. I stared fascinated at the 'TV' screen as it changed. "What is the movie about?" I asked but kept staring at the screen. "The name is 'Le Père Noël  est und ordure' and is about..." -Merlin! I could kiss him right now. Why does he sound so sexy when he says something in french?

"Say it again please-" -oh shit- I blushed as I realised what I had said "What?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Nothing! go on please..." I mumbled and he still looked at me amused. "Sure..." He looked backt at the screen and acted like nothing happened. While he explained to me what the movie was about I watched him and studied his face.

He still had his lightning scar on the forehead but there also was a small one on his cheek. His already kind of darker skin than mine was perfectly tanned. He wore a comfortable looking maroon sweater with a big 'H' on it. 

"... So you see it's traditional french movie." I just nodded "Mhm..." 

"You didn't even listen, did you?" "Well-" he grinned and I blushed again. -How does he manages to make me feel embarrassed eveytime he just looks at me this way... Merlin!-

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