Sunday 11.12

24 6 7

436 words

I sat up and tried to turn on my lamp on the nightstand but there was nothing.

I then realised that I was at Harry's place. I picked up my phone from the ground to check the time. 

-Damn I thought I could sleep a little bit longer!- It was 5:30 and I was wide awake.

I dried my face with my sleeve. -I could try to sleep some more hours... but that never worked after bad dreams like that.- I got up. Usually I would sit at my window in the kitchen and look out...- 

So I sneaked to the bathroom to wash my face and then went to the kitchen where I sat down on the windowsill of the window, wich was right next to the fridge. It made soothing deep sounds. 

I felt how my puls relaxed after a while and I stared into the darkness of the morning sky. It was raining and the raindrops made little klick sounds on the window. 

After a while I couldn't sit still anymore so I went back to the living room and made my bed. I grabbed my wand from the ground and made some light p. It wasn't much but enough to recognise the bookshelf on the other side of the room. I walked over, grabbed the first book and sat down on a chair next to the weird black mirror.

The title of this book, well it was more like a magazine, was 'Instructions for the use of the 32" TCL 32S5200 TV' -What ever that could mean. But ok... it was a muggle book. Let's see what they read usually...-

I opened it and started reading.


After some while I sat in a chair next to a weird black mirror thing with a weird book-magazine with too many numbers and words that made no sense. -I mean what on earth was a 'Adam Hall 5517 BLK Rack screw' or 'Hiro Seiko Alloy-Hex-Socket-Something?! It didn't even had a storyline!- 

I put the magazine back and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and looked at the clock there. It was 6:50. I then opened the fridge in search of something easy to snack on because my stomach had started to growl but saw that he hadn't ever bought something for breakfast. So the great idea to go grocery shopping for him popped into my head and I took my jacket from the rack and slipped into my sneakers. 

Before I left I wrote a quick note in wich I was saying that I was out shopping for breakfast if he would wake up while I was gone.

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