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A certain tall country was laying in bed, but apparently couldn't sleep until 6AM.

Canada rolled over, onto his side. He was previously staring at the ceiling, but that got boring, so the Canadian instead looked at his night stand. Getting awoken at 3AM, and getting 4 hours of beautiful sleep, wasn't really his thing. So, he had been awake for 3 hours.. Laying in bed, that is.

He quickly realized that it was 6AM, so that was the thing that got him out of bed. The Canadian sat up, cracked his back, and stood up. He instantly slouched a little, and sighed. Canada walked to the kitchen, finding his way around the darkness with just a sliver of light filtering through the window.

The Canadian reached for the cupboard, opening it and taking out a cup. He walked over to the sink, twisted the handle up and a little to the left, and zoned out for a few moments. He then stuck the cup under the quick flow of water, and filled up his cup. He pushed the handle down, and drew the cup close to his lips.

Canada took a long sip from the cup, swallowing the cold water and sighing. He approached the island slapped in the middle of the kitchen, and put the cup down. Suddenly, he saw a cat with several different variants of colour on its pelt hop up onto the counter.

The cat meowed, and the Canadian instantly recognized her. "Good morning, Pancakes." She stepped forward, leaning towards the Canadian, and rubbed against his hand. Canada pet her head, watching her fall onto her side and basically spill out onto the counter. Pancakes gave a meow of protest when the Canadian pulled his hand away.

"Oh, Pancakes, you know I can't stick around for much longer. I have a meeting in an hour. Plus, the house is nice, eh? I'd be lucky if I were you." The cat just meowed back and stood up. Canada finished drinking the water, and placed the cup down. He  walked into the hallway, with his cat travelling not too far behind, and reached his room.

Even though Canada lived alone, he tended to shut the door. The Canadian shut the door behind him, and got dressed for work. He adjusted his shirt a little, and sighed. It was time to drive.


After an excruciating hour of driving, he arrived. All of his family lived far away, so he visited them scarcely. When he stumbled across everyone else, he was rather shocked. Everyone seemed to have changed a lot since last time.

He took his seat sandwiched between New Zealand and Britain, not really minding if it was cramped. The Canadian had been in worse situations, so he didn't care.

The Canadian wasn't very interested in the meeting today, agreeing and disagreeing on topics he actually wanted to speak about. Although, since he was observant of others, he could tell that a very specific and already stern country was doing worse than usual. By his stiffened posture, more than pissed resting face, and nasty remarks, it was an angry Russia.

The Russian was staring at Canada a lot of the meeting, giving him a death glare or anything along the lines of that. The Canadian didn't know what he did, and felt the need to apologize to him. Maybe Russia was silently telling him that if America messed up, he would take it out on him to show the consequences of being foolish.

As the meeting came to a long end, the Canadian tried to take the more dangerous path. His curiosity was murdering him, and the feeling was nagging at him, so he approached the Russian out of nowhere. Canada noticed that Russia was leaving quickly, seemingly in a rush, so he caught his attention while he could.

The Canadian gently tapped the Russian, and he harshly turned around. His gaze was cold, and Canada instantly shrunk under it. "E-Excuse me-" "No." Canada was interrupted quickly, with a murderous glare from Russia. "Do not ask me anything. I am not here to answer questions. Ask me another day, fool." He spat, venom dripping from his words.

Canada let go of him, and backed up. Russia turned around again, gathered up his stuff, and sped away. The Canadian would have to ask him another day then, just like the taller country had said.


The Canadian slipped into bed, looking at the dreadful time of 1AM. He figured that America would be awake still, so he retrieved his phone, and unlocked it. He searched through his contacts for no longer than a second, and found the one he had nicknamed "Burger Boy". Sometimes, he wondered if America had him titled as "Mountie Man", or another thing.

He clicked on it, clicked on the call button, and waited for America to pick up. That is- if he could. Suddenly, the ringing stopped, and a familiar voice piped up through the microphone to speak to him. "Hey Canada! How are you, man? Isn't it late?"

Canada was momentarily silent, till he decided that he should speak to his brother, rather than leaving him hanging. "Hello, America! How are you?" The Canadian asked, and the American immediately responded with a tone of some kind of constant joy and energy.

Canada never knew how his brother could possibly be so happy, and why he was. Maybe he was the type to cover up his sadness, but the Canadian wouldn't know, unless he waa informed by America himself.

Their conversation carried out for a long time, lasting around 40ish minutes, until Canada decided that he was too tired to keep up with America's long conversations and comments about everything.

"I'm going to sleep, America. Good night," He murmured, hearing a faint 'bye!' over the phone, before he hung up. Canada didn't even care about closing the app, he just shut his phone off, and put it on the night stand. He got comfortable on his bed, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

His dreams were scarce, and his sleep was always an empty void.

(literally industry baby started playing but since i watch too many slander videos it felt so weird to listen to it not be sped up and accommodated with slander templates 💀💀)

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