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He slowly cracked his eyes open, a dreadful pain immediately shooting through his body. One of the first things he noticed was that he was without a shirt. Interesting!

He was in his bed though, so that was a reasonable explanation. Canada also sometimes slept without a shirt if it was too hot in his house, so that could maybe be why.

The Canadian scrambled out of his bed, collapsed on the floor goofily, and got back up. He walked over to his drawer, grabbed a shirt, and put it on.

The red and white country made it to the door, opened it, and dashed downstairs. When he got to the kitchen, he spotted Russia. Although, something was off.

When Canada got a closer look, he saw that he had dozed off when making eggs. This made him laugh at first, until he noticed the eggs ferociously burning.

Russia was still sleeping when the Canadian pushed him aside.if to access the eggs. Immediately he turned the stove off, trashing the eggs when he turned around to go to the trashcan.

Russia only woke up when Canada pushed him in the arm. The Russian yawned, raising a brow. "What?" He murmured, stretching and obviously not giving a care.

"You fell asleep making EGGS! Do you know how dangerous that is?!" The Canadian barked, grabbing Russia and furiously shaking him.

The Russian rolled his eyes. "Sorry." He scoffed, turning away and quickly retreating from the kitchen. Canada was furious, especially at how Russia treated him, and also since it was so little of a reaction that he was given.

The Canadian crossed his arms, and shouted out. "You're acting like Belarus right now!" Canada didn't even know what Belarus was like, aside from the fact that she was mean, so he couldn't exactly back up his own claim.

Almost instantly, Russia poked his head back into the kitchen. He looked much more solemn, a hint of anger also plastered onto his expression.

The Canadian glared at him, and watched Russia slowly walk back to him.

"Say sorry." Russia growled. Canada wanted to shiver, but he held up his ground. "Only if you actually apologize for almost burning my house down," The red and white country replied crossly.

The Russian huffed, and his eyes softened. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep.." Russia murmured, and the Canadian nodded expectantly.

"Good. Now, I'm sorry for comparing you to your sister. As far as I know, she's mean. And Russia, you're not mean." Canada spoke, averting eye contact with the slightly taller male.

The Russian was a bit stunned, to put it lightly. He stared at the red and white country with hidden shock, his expression blank.

After a few more awkward moments, Russia spoke up again.

"Thank.. You?" He choked out, not really knowing how to respond to a compliment. "You're uh, welcome.." Canada trailed off, also pretty nervous.

It was awkward been the two, until the noise of a doorbell was heard. Canada jolted up. "Russia, go to your room." He ordered, pointing upstairs. He ran over to the door, only opening it after he was sure that his friend had gotten up the stairs.

He was met by the sight of his family, only one of them smiling. That one of course being France. "Canada!" She cheered, stepping in the house. The French lady gave him a kiss on both of his cheeks, then backed up.

America walked over to him, and gave him a hug. The Canadian hugged him back, watching him walk to France. New Zealand quickly shook hands with him, and stood beside the US.

Australia gave Canada a high five, and Britain just measily passed by him.

While the Canadian was happy to see his family, he knew he couldn't explain Russia in his house. "Stay here," Canada said quickly, retreating up the stairs, and arriving at Russia's room.

He opened the door, temporarily surprised at Russia being right in front of him.

The Russian raised a brow. "Wh-" Canada instantly shushed him, putting his index finger to Russia's mouth. "Shh."

The slightly taller male shut up, and the Canadian leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "My family is here.." Canada whispered, pulling back and watching Russia slowly nod.

"I'll stay up here for the first hour." The Russian promised, and Canada let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks," He nodded, turning on his heel and walking back downstairs.

Russia watched him run back downstairs, then went back into his room.


The Canadian nervously watched the time. It had been a little over an hour than the time that Russia had said he would be in his room.

He was currently discussing with his family the issues that mattered with them from the meeting, although he had kinda lost interest. Canada kept rereading Russia's notes, putting a box around them so he could read them more later.

All of the things with Russia, though, were surprisingly unmajor, so he wouldn't have an excuse to circle it.

To make it seem fairer and like he purposely did it, he circled some random ass countries he had never really talked to before or much at all to in his life.

Suddenly, he noticed silence, and looked up from his paper. Everyone was staring at him, like they were awaiting an answer. "...Huh?" Canada was definitely confused.

France had to re-explain what they were talking about, which took a while, and also i'm too last to make something up and type it out.

The Canadian nodded, and then gave his thoughts, although he had very little of them. When the rest of his family was talking, though, he faintly heard the opening and closing of a door.

Canada tensed up, hoping with every cell in his body that Russia didn't emerge from the stairway to stun his family.

The strictly red and white country also didn't want to do any explaining, and he was a bit afraid of judgment from his family. For having Russia in his house, of course

The Canadian cleared his throat and began talking when he got tapped on again, until the sound of stair boards creaking filled the air.

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