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The two eventually had to go home, given that Finland was taking a walk and saw them kicking children's asses. Go Russia and Canada!

It began to rain, too, but Russia didn't particularly mind. His Canadian friend definitely did, though. They both retraced back to the cafe, and said their goodbyes there.

The Russian looked into Canada's eyes, watching the smaller one naturally avoid eye contact. "I enjoyed this, uh, afternoon. Do you wanna hang out again?" The Canadian seemed a little surprised, but nodded.

"Yes! Although, the next 2 days I'll be busy with family things and meeting work.." Canada sighed, closing his eyes. "Oh. Thats alright," Russia sighed. "Thats alright."

The Canadian awkwardly looked back up at him. "Great! I guess after that work is done, we can plan our next.. activity..? out." "Yeah."

They finally left each other, and Canada got in his car. He silently watched Russia drive off. The Canadian then started his car up, backed out of the small parking lot, and began his drive home.


Canada opened the door. It was night now, since he had gotten side tracked by driving around his neighborhood 40 times to have something to do while America had called him.

He silently made it to the couch, sat down on it. The Canadian brought out his phone, and checked the time. 8pm, huh. Canada glanced up to the TV, which was off, and grabbed the remote from beside him.

He turned it on to a random channel, and began to doze off, until a sharp pain split through his head all of a sudden. Canada shot up, obviously wide eyed. It seemed to be a surprised headache or something though, because he didn't feel an object in the back of his head.

The Canadian slowly turned around, to see, well.. Whatever you call a creature that's piercing black with 4 arms, 12 human eyeballs, and fur.

He screamed, but then it disappeared. Did.. He scare it off? Canada trembled, and whipped his head around. It was now gazing at him, face just above the TV. The Canadian was OBVIOUSLY terrified, since he took off in the opposite direction of the room he was previously in.

Although, being an idiot, he tripped. Canada hit his face on something he couldn't even see, and felt dizzy. He landed on the floor, collapsed like a goofball. The Canadian tried to get up, but he immediately fell again.

He ultimately rolled onto his back, and looked at the ceiling. The red and white country felt like he could barely breathe, and just silently stared at the boring ceiling. The pain disappeared before he knew it, although his dizziness was still present.

And it was worse.

Canada slowly shut his eyes, his warped vision and spinning head being too much for him.


The Canadian woke up, sitting up. He wasn't in his house anymore, but he was actually on a blanket of clouds. The moon was present, shining down on a clear, animal like figure. It silently walked towards him, having gentle paw steps.

(yes im redeeming my warrior cats omens+prophecies)

"Canada.." The animal spoke, quickly turning into a lady with ratty but long dark brown hair, dressed in a long black skirt and a dark brown blouse. She did not have a flag on her face.

Canada was shocked. Mainly at how the animal turned into a woman, but also how it could speak in its original form. "H-huh?!"

"Do not be worried." She hushed him, her Greek accent shining through a little. The Canadian was confused, why was some Greek animal-lady talking to her? "I have only come to send a message."

Canada was about to ask a question, before he got pulled up. "Do not ask any questions, but listen!" The woman demanded, and the Canadian slowly nodded.

"Okay.." She cleared her throat. "I know you, but you don't know me. But listen.. When the time comes, say what your heart desires. Never, ever forget. Nothing would ever be the same if not.."

Her voice got harder and harder to hear, and he desperately tried to ask her to repeat. Although, when she finished, with the Canadian barely able to hear the last part, the strange woman turned to stone.

A free spirit bursted from the stone, making it explode. None of the stray pieces of stone hit Canada, fortunately, but the spirit did. The animal bounced on his head, leapt up, and disappeared.


He shot up, clearly upset. The Canadian was shaking a little, and slowly looked around. He was on the kitchen floor. Wow.

It took him a few minutes, but Canada sat up. The only thing that was in his head was the message that the strange lady spoke. "Say what your heart desires.." He mumbled, getting up and walking to the couch.

He was too tired to remember anything, but that completely changed when he saw the wicked time of 4PM on his phone. His ass was supposed to be at the daily family reunion to bully each other 2 HOURS ago.

The Canadian panicked, and rushed into the car. He didn't bother to change, since he was already okay looking, just a little bit scraggly.


He had finally made it to America's house. He opened the doors of it, got inside, and immediately set off to look for them. He hoped they didn't do anything without him.

He found New Zealand taking a nap, Australia and America fighting over an orange, and Britain and France arguing over why everyone was acting like idiots.

France turned to Canada, and waved. "Ah oui, Canada! Salut!" She smiled, ran over, and gave the Canadian a smooch on the cheek. He was a little startled for a second, but remembered that was common in France.

America was waving now, and had grabbed the orange while Australia wasn't looking. The Australian was really insulted, so he yelled at him. "THAT WAS MY ORANGE!" He shrieked. "Finders keepers!" America teased, receiving a shove.

Both of them started laughing though, so it was obvious they were just being brotherly. Britain was now investigating how New Zealand was still asleep, and figured that she was just having her sheep tendencies.

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