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Canada laid in his bed, facing the wall. He was trying to sleep for the meeting tomorrow, and convinced Russia to do so too. He was especially tired, since all he did the whole day was help Russia with moving his bags.

Canada opened his eyes when he heard a scream and several thumps, but didn't move. Russia probably dropped something.

The Canadian then heard hurried footsteps to his room, and he slowly twisted around. To his surprise, he saw a bedraggled Russia. The Russian slowly crept toward him, and Canada sighed.

He sat up on his bed, obviously tired. "What.." Russia glanced around cautiously. "There were so many roaches.." The Russian shuddered. "How many?" The red and white coloured country asked.

"I killed most of them, but one or two got away." Russia responded. "Let Pancakes kill them.." Canada murmured. The Russian nodded. "Alright.. But you also seem to have forgotten that I don't have a bed."

"Oh yeah.. You don't have a bed.." The Canadian echoed. "When I was younger and got this house, I remember never thinking I would have a roommate." He laughed stiffly, then sighed.

"I'm not sacrificing any of my pillows for you." Canada said flatly, laying back on his bed, but seeming to leave some room for a certain someone.

"Wh-" The Russians face turned a bit red. He reluctantly and slowly crawled next to him, then glancing at him. Canada was completely faced away, looking at the wall.

Russia faced away from him too, so their backs were turned to each other. It would be weird if he was facing Canada.


A certain, tall, white blue and red country woke up. With a headache, naturally.

Russia smelled food, and assumed that it was the reason why there was an empty space beside him. The Russian sat up slowly, getting out of the bed after he had fully sat up.

The tall country walked down the steps, arriving at the kitchen. He saw Canada eating eggs and bacon, with a plate across from him. It too, had eggs and bacon on it.

Russia pulled a chair out, and sat down. The Canadian looked up, his attention being caught by the dragging of the chair.

The Russian stared at the food. "Thanks." The slightly taller country thanked him. grabbing a fork and eating the eggs. "You're welcome." Canada smiled a little.

The silence was comfortable, simply sitting in each others presence and eating their food.

The meeting was in 3 hours, so they had time.


Canada got out of his car, watching as Russia followed. The two shut the cars doors with a slam, walking and chatting as they reached the entrance of the building for their meeting place.

As they walked down the hall, the originally faint noises of talking, yelling, and other verbal sounds got louder. Russia opened the door, and it only got louder.

Britain was surrounded by a few people, looking like he was about to throw up. Norway was in the corner, hiding from everyone, and Belarus was.. Having a fist fight!

New Zealand was trying to stop the fist fight, Italy was trying to fly, China was screaming at everyone, Japan was trying to teach Italy how to fly, and Egypt was trying to convince Slovenia to eat sand.

Estonia was the one getting fist fought, with Finland also trying to stop it, and Sweden making a Lego building in the background. Mexico was trying to get Australia down from the ceiling, and Germany was sleeping.

Average meeting day.

The Canadian walked in, seeing France look up to him and wave. Russia seemed a little nervous to enter, but he did. He hadn't been recognized yet.

"Russia, I'm gonna be talking to France, so you can go ahead and do whatever." Canada smiled, and left the Russian all alone.

As he approached France, Britain suddenly threw up. He leapt back, screaming, and watching everyone else scamper away. His throw up seemed to consist of Uno cards.

"I KNEW YOU WERE EATING THEM!" The French lady yelled, and Britain nearly collapsed. "That game was 2 days ago!" Canada was flabbergasted at how Britain could maintain Uno cards in his system for 2 days, and then throw them up now.

The Canadian already decided that he was tired of talking to his family, so he went ahead to go find Russia and to talk to him again.

Canada searched through the crowd, but simply couldn't find him. It should've been easy, too, because he was so tall. But now, he couldn't find him.

He quickly grew worried, deciding to go check the bathrooms. He got out of the meeting room, and ran down the hall. The strictly red and white country got to the door, and slowly opened it.

There, he witnessed America and Russia having a fight.

It was more of a verbal argument instead of actual punching, but there were some taunts and fake blows. Canada just stood there silently.

"What the hell are you two doing?" The Canadian asked, watching both of them stop talking and turn to him. America crossed his arms, and Russia rolled his eyes.

"America was trying to fight with me because of you." The Russian stated, and the United States was quick to shoot back. "Yeah, since he's all up your ass and shit!"

"Dear god.. America, you can keep your ass out of MY business. Russia isn't doing anything wrong by simply talking to me! You talk to me all the time, so why can't he?"

"Cause he's my enemy!" The American exclaimed, and Canada just sighed. "Because he's your enemy doesn't mean he's my enemy, alright? Calm down and stop fighting."

The US huffed, crossing his arms. "Fine.." He dashed out of the bathroom quickly, not returning. Canada watched him leave, shaking his head and grumbling something under his breath.

"He's a nuisance." The Russian yawned. "And my brother." The Canadian added, walking out the door.

Russia quickly followed, and they walked down the hall together.

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