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Canada was eating his cereal, then heard his phone ring. With the same tone as last time, of course. He didn't drop his cereal though, mainly since he wasn't even holding it.

The Canadian straightened his back, and went to go find his phone. It was in his bedroom, and it took him no more than 2 seconds to answer when he saw that it was Russia.

"Bonjour, Russie! How are you?" He chimed, expecting an answer. "Uh.. I'm fine. Just tired." The Russian on the other line stuttered a little bit, which Canada didn't even notice.

"That's good! If you we're wondering how I'm doing, I'm great! I was wondering if you we're gonna go to the meeting? Actually, you probably wou- hold on. I'm talking too much aren't I.." The Canadian trailed off, silencing himself.

"Oh, you're not talking too much. I don't mind listening to you talk. I am going to the meeting, though." Russia sighed, making it over to the not yet fixed and crumbling drawers he had. Since one was kinda stuck open, he could just grab from it whenever, so he did.

"That's a relief! I apologize in advance if I start prolonging conversations by talking a lot," The Canadian apologized again, although he really didn't need to. "No, I said its fine. You don't have to keep apologizing."

The Russian didn't want to come off as a little rude or mean, but maybe he did. Canada sighed. "Alright, alright. Wait, do you know when the meeting starts?" He asked, just wondering if Russia knew what time he had to go, since Canada already knew when he was supposed to be at the meeting.

"Hm.. Oh, yeah, I do. 2PM, right?" "Yup, you're right! I have to get ready now though, so I guess I'll see you there! Unless you skip, I dunno.." The Canadian had no idea what plan Russia had for the day.

"I won't, as much as I want to." Russia laughed a little, then yawned. "Okay, bye." He hung up before Canada could talk any longer, mostly so they could actually get stuff done and get ready. The Russian would actually be pretty sad if his Canadian.. acquaintance shut up.


Canada walked into the grand structure, not particularly in a rush. He eventually arrived at the designated meeting room, which was unfortunately halfway across the whole fucking building.

Walking wouldn't kill him though, so he's alright. He opened the door, meeting the gazes of other countries waiting. The Canadian took a seat next to France, but there was an empty spot next to him.

He was easily getting bored of waiting, so he laid his head down. Instead of actually paying attention who came through, he just rested his eyes. Although, Canada heard someone sit down next to him, and a sliver of hope started up. Could it be Russia?

The Canadian lifted his head, and stared at who was sitting next to him. Unfortunately, it wasn't Russia, but actually China.

But Russia was sitting on the other side of China, so that was the good part. He smiled to himself softly, then got absolutely startled and nearly jumped out of his seat when France tapped his arm.

"Canada! Its good to see you!" The French country smiled at him, talking to him in a hushed whisper. Canada gave a small wave to France, although he quickly turned his head again when someone else with a louder voice started speaking.

The meeting had officially begun, which probably meant hell could break loose. Like usual, of course. It was pretty normal.


The Canadian rushed out of his seat, relieved to be freed from the boredom called meetings. No one really fought, so it was especially boring.

Russia appeared right beside him though, a tired and bored expression on his face. "Hey." He murmured a quiet and quick hello. The Canadian gave his hellos back. "Hi there."

It was kind of awkward between them, but the silence was kinda comfortable. Not the type of silence that you could hear the beating of your own heart to.

They walked together silently, and they eventually ended up in the parking lot. One of them had to part ways wether they wanted to or not, so they could actually get to their house. The one thing they looked forward too.

That person to part first was Canada, and he paused. The Canadian turned to the Russian nearby, and sighed. "I'll be going now. Bye, Russia." Canada stared into Russia's eyes. He smiled softly at the taller country, who just nodded, and turned on his heel.

The Canadian walked to his car, opening the door of it and climbing inside. He took his seat, buckled himself in, and pulled out his keys. Like the doofus he is, he had forgotten to lock his car earlier.

He started the car on, and grabbed the driving wheel. Canada was about to start the drive home.


Russia got out of his car, yawning again, and walking to the front door of the house. He got inside, and this time, didn't immediately go up to his room. The Russian actually appeared in the kitchen, but then looked like he got an idea.

He dashed out of his room, and THEN went to his room. He's lives in his room at this point. Russia decided to text Canada, wondering if he would like to go somewhere with him. Particularly a restaurant, mainly since he was hungry. Except, he didn't want it to seem like a date.

He didn't want to weird out Canada, so he said it in the most nonchalant possible way. Which was 'Hey, Canada. You wanna go somewhere?'.

The Russian got a quick response, which kinda surprised him. It was a 'Hi, Russia! We can go somewhere if you want.'. That made Russia smile a little, and he typed out a response to that. It was 'Could we go to a restaurant for lunch? Only if you have time'.

Canada and Russia kept texting back at each other, and they came up with a plan. They would get ready, then meet at some cafe that wasn't too far from Canada's house. He go the address of the cafe, and then began getting ready.

He was actually pretty excited to hang out with the Canadian, which was a rare occurrence for a person like Russia.

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