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When they arrived to the meeting room, they were somehow all seated. Canada felt a little awkward, so he quickly went to a random seat. All the seats next to Canada were full, so Russia picked a random one.

Everyone was seated, but.. Not exactly quiet. Everybody was whispering among each other, telling each other something about Germany.

The Canadian was about to ask what they were talking about, until Germany got out of his seat. He held his falling apart work laptop(presumably because of how hard he worked on it) and stepped to the front of the room.

Then, a Google slides presentation magically appeared on screen. "As we all know.." The German at the front began to speak, but yawned. "Sorry. As we know, there's a lot to be settled, so I made a presentation for those of you that ACTUALLY emailed me your struggles that needed dealt with."

He gave a glare to Belarus, and she rolled her eyes.


Canada quickly wrote down what was displayed on the board, hoping that Germany didn't switch it soon. He had gotten distracted, and was drawing Pancakes on the side of the paper, until the country next to him asked him a question.

Of course, this certain red and white flagged country only really had to write down the things that concerned him or had him involved.

However, he was always trying to help others, so he often wrote down things that were kinda other peoples problems. He usually gave them suggestions about how to solve their problems.

There were quite a few situations were he had been rejected or threatened, or got no response. Example: Once, he tried to help Haiti, but almost got hit with a brick.

After a while of hopelessly trying to catch up with writing, he finally got it down. As he looked up, though, there was a whole new slide information. The Canadian got that down, too, and was relieved when Germany said there were no more slides.

Canada looked at his papers, reading what he had written down. The only thing that really had him involved now was trade, and he didn't really care about that right now.

He mostly read things about his American brother, and then some about Russia.

When the meeting was officially over, he practically shot up. Canada scurried out of the room, down the many halls the building held, down some stairs, then to the lobby.

The Canadian was out of breath, and also thirsty, so he turned around to go find the water cooler that was usually located in the lobby.

When he turned around, though, he was immediately met with a stare he didn't appreciate.

There stood Belarus with her arms crossed. She glared at him unforgivingly, tapping her foot against the ground.

"Uh.." The Canadian stood there awkwardly, and she visibly got angrier. "Don't you 'uh' me! You know what you've done!" She growled, suddenly punching his stomach.

Canada doubled over, then fell on his ass, dropped basically all of his papers. He stared at Belarus with wide eyes. "What the hell- HEY!"

He watched as she ran away, frowning as he clutched his stomach. The Canadian tried to regather all of his papers, putting them in a pile, sitting them upright, and then stuffing into his 'Meeting Stuff' folder.

When he got up, Russia approached him. "Did you drop all of your papers?" He asked, raising a brow. "Yeah.. Because your sister punched me!" Canada scoffed, getting up with the help of the Russian.

"She's not my responsibility." The slightly taller white, blue and red country rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately." The red and white country sighed.

As they got in the car together, the Russian started up conversation. "Do you like any music?" He asked, buckling up in the front seat.

The Canadian nodded. "Of course I do, goofball. How does someone not like music?" "You're right. Now, play me a song." Russia joked, but Canada complied.

He turned the car on, aggressively switched radios, until he landed on Alternative Rock.

An annoyingly clear New York accent could be heard from the person speaking, all until the music finally played.

"Siouxsie and the Banshees!" The maple country beamed, and Russia laughed. "What are you? A 90s kid?" He elbowed Canada, and the slightly shorter country rolled his eyes.

"Got the taste of one. So what?" The Canadian jokingly glared at him. "Ahh, thats fine. I like Alternative too, but not as much as I love Indie Rock."

"Indie Rock?" He echoed, and Russia nodded. "I like Indie Rock too!" Canada cheered, and the Russian laughed.


They were finally driving to home, definitely going over the speed music while listening to rock music. As Canada pulled into the driveway, a sudden idea popped into his mind. When he got out the car, he trotted over to Russia, who was patiently waiting for him at the doorstep.

The Canadian unlocked the door, and opened it. "I got an idea, Russia. C'mon." The Russian looked a little mystified, but followed.

Canada took off his coat, placing it on the rack, and going up to his room. He had ordered Russia to stay in the living room, so, he did.

After a minute or two, the red and white country came back holding 2 small speakers. "We can blast our music." He grinned, and a smirk was plastered onto the Russians face. "I'll make sure it's loud enough."

With a little help from Russia with setting it up, he had officially connected it to his phone. The Canadian turned up the volume on the speaker, and then played some of The Chemical Brothers.

When Canada stood up, he could practically feel how loud it was. He could feel it in his heart, in his feet, the thumping of the beat as the songs rapidly went on.

He glanced at Russia, and the slightly taller country was looking fondly at the speakers. The white blue and red country quickly flicked his gaze back up to Canada, a grin on his face.

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