Ch. 2

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Ali was beginning to stir awake from his soundless slumber, he blinked his eyes a few times, he saw Comot sleeping right beside him curled up into a ball. He gave a quick glance over at his alarm clock and his drowsiness immediately washed away seeing the time was around 7:40. Knowing full well his class start at 8 he was going to be so late and without even giving a second thought he rushed to the bathroom, put on his uniform and ran downstairs before putting Comot in his bag, much to the cats displeasurement.

Aaron: "ah, good morning Ali" [Aaron peaked out of the kitchen] "what do you want for breakfast"

Ali: [panicked] "sorry, Aaron but I have to go school, I'm super late right now" [put his shoes on]

Comot: [meows for food]

Aaron: "alright how about I drive you there" [walked to the door; gave some leftover meat to Comot]

Comot: [accepted and went back inside the bag]

Ali: "are you sure?"

Aaron: "I don't mind" [walks out] "who wouldn't want to drive they're cute boyfriend to school" [He grinned]

Ali: "hey!"

After like some minutes or so Aaron dropped Ali infront of the school with his Motorbike, some girls were gushing and were controlling themselves, they felt like they were going to faint infront of a male god even a few boys were even droling. But Aaron ignored them all as he patted Ali on the head, gave him his lunch and drove off offto who knows where.

Victor walked over to Ali

Victor: "Hey Ali! who was that just now?"

Ali: [smirked] "that's for me to know and for you to find out" [walks off]

Victor: "Hey!" [runs after Ali]

People are saying "Hey" way to often these days.

*A few hours later*

Once the final bell rang signaling the end of class, Ali bid farewell to Victor before heading to the academy, but then Rudy and Jet interjected by throwing his bag up on a tree. The devious duo left with satisfied smiles. After some trial and errors well mostly errors he still manage to get it back but not after cursing himself for being short he felt Comot snickering beside him, the boy just gave the cat a deadpanned look.

Then he felt a slight tinged of gut feeling, telling him his lover/boyfriend/best friend was somewhere snickering at him at the back his head, however he ignored it and walked in still feeling it however little did he know one of his boyfriends was actually spying on him his cheerful blue eyes showing amusement on the little show that was displayed a few moments ago.

After a feqw navigation problems he finally managed to arrive at the meeting room, he heard some of the agents whispering and also ranting about he how isn't worthy of IRIS, how is sucks at being an agent, how he is the weakest of them all. That managed to brought a damper on his mood and remained silent however Alisha helped him overcome this 'problem'.

Agent Bakar appeared along with Agent Rizwan. The two adult agents were beaming with pride well mostly Bakar. Bakar made the Young fletchlings stand up straight surrounding the blue hollow projector pad.

Agent Bakar: "Good news, we had manged to get Agent Elemen to personally mentor and train you all for a few months!"

Bakar was flexing his muscles as the young agents tried to process  and once they did cheers erupted from the Young agents all except a few and that includes Ali who showed confusion and had no idea on who this Agent Element is. Who can blame him he had never heard of him until this day.

My Agent, My Hero (Boboiboy x Ejen Ali)Where stories live. Discover now