Ch. 7

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Ali looked up at his boyfriend(s) in utter shock, this was the first time he saw these guys being serious. He has seen the first tier being serious but it was nothing compared to these guys. He knew they were still the same as they were before but the look in their eyes show proof that they changed.

"What are you thinking about Ali?"

Looking down Ali saw Ice, eyes still closed not even bothering to open them.

"N-Nothing." He said quickly as he scratched his none itchy cheek.

"Hmmm." He hummed not believing his raven haired boyfriend. His eyes still closed.

Ali tried to change the Subject. Word: tried.

"When-n are you guys going to merge back?" He asked.

This time Ice opened his eyes, in a glare, which shocked the young agent. He then sat down, his head down, he then unexpectedly grabbed Ali and make him saddle the cold element.

Ali however thought this was embarrassing since the mentors were watching and the young agents were infront of them.

"Please put me down-n Ice!" He begged, his face flushed.

Ice responded by grabbing the younger's hand before LICKING IT! Ali saw his beloved icy boyfriend lick his hand while they make eye contact. He then dropped his hand before grabbing the younger's chin.

"Do you not like us being apart?" He asked squinting his emotionless eyes.

"No...No, of course not. I like it if you guys split but I would prefer if there was only one of you guys, since my w-waist hurts when you guys do it to me!" Ali said embarrassed. He starred infront of him and saw Ice still making eye contact before smirking. He then grabbed Ali, carrying his like a bride. "W-What!? What are you doing!?" Ali asked

"Carrying you." He said as if it was obvious.

"Yeah... I can see t-that but why!?"

It was silent for a second, Ice stopped, he looked down and Ali saw his cold icy blue eyes glow with interest.

"Training has begun." He said smirking.

A/N: another short chap. I should do longer ones. My therapist said this is might be a way yo calm myself down. So I'm doing it.

This is Blane over and out.

My Agent, My Hero (Boboiboy x Ejen Ali)Where stories live. Discover now