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As the day reaches to a close. Ali was in the middle of a spar with his uncle, A.Bakar.

Ali manages to land a few punches on his uncle with the help of IRIS. Bakar tried to attack the boy but his efforts weren't needed since Ali tripped.

Bakar laughed. He then picked up the boy gently. "How is training Ali?" Bakar suddenly asked.

Ali groaned a bit as he stood up. "It was bit difficult." Ali said. "During Ais' training session, he didn't even let me use IRIS."

Gempa made sure the elements were less violent towards Ali. But that didn't mean he got special treatment.

During Ais's training he made sure no one relaxed, even though his training was supposed to make the young agents calm in any battle.

Yet he did the total opposite. Using his ice powers, Ais made a terrain with ice pillars, ice walls and he created ice weapons for the young agents to use to dodge Ais's incoming attacks.

Ais used his Artic cannon to shoot multiple ice beams at them. The young agents screams made Ais tired.

Duri's was also very hard, he used his elemental power to change the terrain and with the help of Gempa and Blaze they made a volcano!

Duri used his vines(with the thorns) to lift them up and said they had 10 minutes to escape or into the lava they go! Of course, they don't actually go into lava.

The only ones who passed were Alisha and Zass. Where Alicia used her wits to escape, Zass used his speed to use the momentum to jump away. Ali had to ask for help from Thunder once the training was done.


Ali went out of the training room. He walked to the cafeteria only for three certain elements to pounce on him.

"ALI WATCH OUT!" Taufan yelled as he tackled Ali. A beam of light hit the place Ali was just standing moments ago.

Ali looked and saw Solar and Hali in the middle of a fight between each other.

"Your temper always gets the best of you, Halilintar." Solar said with a grin.

"Oh please, don't act like you don't lose your temper too, lightbulb." Hali said with a glare.

A vein popped on Solar's forehead. "Maybe if you weren't a [REDACTED], I wouldn't have to lose my temper so much." He said with a fake smile.

"I’ve been called worse things by better men." Hali said with a smirk.

The two strongest elements (Gempa in mama mode does not count) shared a fake smile as their eyes held a  murderous intent to kill the other.

Ali, in Duri's embrace, wondered how Gempa had to deal with these types of things....


"I can feel a headache coming.." Gempa said as he was cooking dinner back at the house.

"Whatever it is, Hali or Solar can handle it.." Ais said as he lay down on the couch, hugging his whale plush that seems to always appear out of nowhere.

"You're right, Ais. Those two are responsible enough.." Gempa said with a satisfied smile, adding more salt into the pot.


Hey! Been a while since I posted a story but I am very happy to tell you guys this but my big brother is now married!! No exes or anything!!

I really want to post a photo here but my family would kill me if I showed their faces, they were already satisfied with me saying their names but pictures are an absolute no no~

Anyways, I decided to change their names so you don't confuse their powers with their names!

See ya next time!!

This is Blane over and out!

My Agent, My Hero (Boboiboy x Ejen Ali)Where stories live. Discover now