ch. 6

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"Please accept our sincerest apologies." Thorn and Blaze bowed down in front of the mentors. Quake was behind them, holding a sinister smile.

"N-No, need to apologize after all what you did, served as an example of how strong you truly are and I know for certain the young agents will try to surpass you using all of their might." Agent Geetha said calmly.

. . .

"Does that mean we are forgiven?" Blaze asked not caring about Geetha's speech just now.

Geetha sweatdropped before saying: "Yeah you are." She said.

"YAY!" The fire and leaf user yelled happily as they ran over to their beloved Ali.

Quake groaned.

He then looked over at the young agents who were giving Ali the stink eye and Quake could feel a bit of anger bubbling inside of him.

He sighed before smiling, his eyes closed. He then clapped his hands getting the attention of every one in the room. As all of the eyes were on him Quake opened an eye.

"Everyone. Infront of me, now."

They did not want another warning and so the young agents immediately sat infront of Quake with the elements plus Ali were behind him. Quake closed his eyes once more letting out a small smile.

Now you might be asking, where are the mentors? Well currently right now they are on top of a balcony which was far and high enough, watching over the training ground like a bunch of cowards, and the worst part they had snacks and popcorn.

Thunder and Cyclone gave a quick peck on both of Ali's cheeks. The agents couldn't help but feel bitter towards Ali. Quake saw this and let out a fake cough getting the attention of the young agents.

"Now, You should already know who we are and what we are going to teach you, but if you don't know, allow us to tell you." Quake said with a small smile.

"My name is Quake, I control the element of Earth, I will be teaching you how to fight with a team and help you know your pros and cons in battle." He said placing a hand on his chest with a smile. He then glanced at his younger brother who is to go next.

"Thunderstorm, the name pretty much explains my powers. I will be teaching you brats battle tactics while also helping you wield your weapons in a more advance technique, do not expect me to go easy on you." Thunder said with a cold tone and harsh glare that sent shivers down the spines of the young agents.

"I'm Cyclone, I control the wind, I will teach you how to avoid traps and dodge incoming attacks using nothing but agility." He said with a chuckle but he saw some students saying that dodging was for the weak. He laughed, "The weak only know how to run and they get killed from behind. But the strong know when to dodge the attacks from behind, that is how they survive." He said as he laughed. The agents immediately quieted down.

"Then I guess it's my turn go introduce myself! Names Blaze, the great fire element wielder, I will help you improve your hand to hand combats since some of you lack in that department and mostly rely on fancy gadgets!" He yelled with a frown. None of the guys here seem powerful enough to hold a good fight. He sighed. He then waited for the next one to introduce themselves but found them sleeping on Ali's lap. "ICE!!!" He yelled. That got the lazy boy to wake up, he yawned before standing up.

"Ice, I control ice, I will be teaching you idiots how to stay calm in battle no matter how severe the situation is." He said in a monotone voice. He then went back to Ali's lap and fell asleep.

"I'm Thorn, I make plants! I will teach you how to survive in different environments! Whether rocky, misty, rainy, sunny and/or snowy! I will teach you how to survive in each. One. Of. Them." He said with a sinister smirk which caused the young agents to feel a suffocating pressure. They thought Thorn's class will be easy but seeing his expression that thought was quickly washed away.

"Then, My name is Solar, I manipulate light. I will be teaching you fools about strategizing in different situations." The students looked puzzled and just simply thought that Solar's class was for the Neuro but what Solar said next shocked them. "That means all of you." The young agents got a bit mad and said some things. "If the Neuro is for strategizing then what would happen if the Neuro in your team was injured and you are in a tight spot. Are you going to make an injured person think of a way for you to get out?" That caught them off guard.

Quake clapped his hands with a smile. "Now that the introduction is finished." He then opened both if his eyes. "Shall we begin?" He said as he and the rest of his brothers eyes glowed and the room darkened.

A/N: I'm feeling a bit better and this chapter was suppose to be a gift for you guys after the wedding, but... just consider this as an apology for not being able to post a few days ago even though I promised. I'm really sorry.

This is Blane over and out.

My Agent, My Hero (Boboiboy x Ejen Ali)Where stories live. Discover now