Ch. 8

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"Training has begone."

Since it was summer the schedule was simple.

5:00am to 6:00am: simple warm ups.

6:00am to 9:00am: training with the mentors.

9:00am to 10:00am: class with Quake.

10:00am to 11:00am: class with Thunderstorm.

11:00am to 12:00am: class with Cyclone.

12:00am to 1:00pm: lunch.

1:00pm to 2:00pm: class with Blaze.

2:00pm to 3:00pm: class with Ice.

3:00pm to 4:00pm: class with Thorn.

4:00pm to 5:00pm: class with Solar.

5:00pm to 6:00pm: Joint practice with the mentors and elements.

See, simple, right?

As the day began and everyone was getting ready for the upcoming events of this (not so)wonderful day. Ali was on a training bench as he watched his beloved boyfriend, Aaron, train with his uncle, M.Bakar.

Aaron wasn't using his powers and was only relying on his skills and strength. Bakar was strong, yes. But Aaron is stronger. He has trained in different planets and has fought stronger foes than Bakar. So to him this was just a warm up.

Aaron wiped off some sweat using his tank top and Ali could feel himself blush prefusely. Aaron gave him a glance before smirking and that caused the tekno agent to explode in red as his lover chuckles

Then the bell rings. Signaling the beginning of the first class with Quake.

Aaron sighed before kicking the mentor agent to a nearby wall. Ali clapped his hands in amazement. Aaron came over to Ali's direction before giving him a kiss on the lips. Ali blushed before running off to help his uncle.

"Thank-ks Ali." His uncle said gratefully.

"No problem uncle!" Ali said with a smile.

Ali escorted his uncle out. Before coming back to his boyfriend's arms.

Aaron then stepped back and used his elemental power to split himself into the seven elements we all know and love. Ali was then tackled by the trio troublemaker.

"ALI!!" They screamed in excitement.

Then the door opened revealing Alisha right on schedule. Ali screamed the girls name happily. Ali treats Alisha as a big sister he never had while the girl treats the boy as a spoiled younger brother. The said girl gave a small smile and waved as she made her way over to him.

The younger elements were fondling over Ali as Thunder and Quake saw the time was 9:05am, 5 minutes.

Quake sighed 'this is going to be a lot of work'.

"They're late." Thunder growled. Thunder hated when someone is late.

But then the said young agents have entered the training ground with relaxed postures. However once they saw the glare Thunder was giving them. They stopped dead in their tracks.

"What time is it?" Thunder asked with a glare but none of the young agents were willingly to speak up.

"I said, what time it is." Thunder asked well more like demand.

Alisha then answered. "9:07, Agent Thunder." She said in her same monotone way of speaking.

"7 minutes, all of you were late for seven minutes." Thunder growled with a dangerous glare.

"S-so what it's just seven minutes." Roza asked sass in her voice.

Thunder then threw his lightning sword at her direction luckily it only hit the wall beside her. But the sword was close to her face and if she had just moved she was dead.

"Enough. Since all of you were late. All of you must run 100 laps around the field, all of you must do it, the only ones who are exempted are Ali and Alisha for arriving here on time." Quake said coldly.

The agents glared at the boy.

"Now, shall we begin."

My Agent, My Hero (Boboiboy x Ejen Ali)Where stories live. Discover now